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Breach the mortgage conditions?


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HMO properties need a specialised mortgage product and if you have a “normal” BTL mortgage it is unlikely to allow HMO’s. REad your mortgage conditions. You need to either change your mortgage to one that allows HMO’s or rent the property as a normal rental

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Talk to your mortgage provider. I am sure they will arrange suitable mortgage finance to replace your existing mortgage. It is unlikely you will lose your property especially if it can be shown you are paying and keeping up with your existing monthly mortgage payments.

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1 hour ago, Ethanpeng said:

Thank you. I like your answer. As the HMO application is still in processing (consultant ion  period)  can I withdraw or cancel it? Because I don't intend to pay more interest. 

You could do that but it would mean you would not have an HMO mortgage. You will have to go back on your plan and take out a BTL mortgage. If you do not declare an HMO and your mortgage provider discovers you have not disclosed this then they will shut you down and the financial consequences to you will be severe.

When it comes to the rental business and indeed any business honestly is the best policy in everything.

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Many buy to let mortgages do not allow you to let the property to YOUR family members.

You can of course let to an unrelated family provided they meet the other criteria set by your lender.

Just read your terms and conditions for details.

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I would exepect the letter from the mortgage company to give a contact, number and possibly the person handling this.

Give them a call and discuss your options. Remaining as the original status of BTL and renting to 'a' family should mean there is no change. Withdraw the HMO application and I don't see why this doesn't just go away.

While discussing ask what their conditions would be should you make the change at some time. Don't forget that HMO is more complicated with the planning requirements and the management anyway.

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Is there a conflict with the council requiring that you gain HMO status because of the use of the whole building? That is, is it beyond your choice as to if this becomes HMO or not?

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I think you need to explain the status and use of the whole building before any one here can comprehensivley understand. HMO is intentionally beyong my area of knowledge anyway.

My thoughts to help others gain a better understanding.

How many tenanc'ies' are granted by you for your flat?

Is there a shared access route to all flats in the property, or do they have independant access?

Is it the local council that have caused you to seek HMO status?

How long have you owned the flat?

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4 minutes ago, Carryon Regardless said:

Is there a conflict with the council requiring that you gain HMO status because of the use of the whole building? That is, is it beyond your choice as to if this becomes HMO or not?

My application falls into additional HMO category as there are more than 3 people and they are not family. 

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2 minutes ago, Carryon Regardless said:

I think you need to explain the status and use of the whole building before any one here can comprehensivley understand. HMO is intentionally beyong my area of knowledge anyway.

My thoughts to help others gain a better understanding.

How many tenanc'ies' are granted by you for your flat?

Is there a shared access route to all flats in the property, or do they have independant access?

Is it the local council that have caused you to seek HMO status?

How long have you owned the flat?

The local council says max 4, as they share kitchen and toilet so I need additional license. 

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Like I said, beyond my area, but

It sounds like, from your economic responses, that you have 2 tenacies running for your 1 flat.

I wonder how house share situations are viewed. That is if you grant a tenancy to a person/s and allow them to sublet. Would this also be a HMO situation? That would mean a rearrangement of present situation, as I understand it.

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I signed contract with two guys and later they bring their girlfriends in. Now I can tell the bank that I don't intend to do HMO and change the tenants. But how about the council. I can tell them to cancel the application.  But if they ask why? How to answer them. Will they come to check?

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As LL's we can't stop T's taking guests and realistically we can't prevent them sub letteing. We can only repossess when a tenancy is abused.

"The two young couple has just moved in for a month (6 months contract)" sounds like you granting a tenancy?

If not and the 2 guys have abused the 'written' agreement you have with them in that they are effectively sub letting then your serving a repossession notice ( a section 8 most likely) might satisy the council that you are addressing the situation??

In truth what you write above doesn't feel like the whole or accurate story. I suggest you seek more expert advice than I can give.


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More or less I have told whole story. The two guys signed contract and then brought girlfriends here. I was told I need a license. So I applied. The council told my bank I applied for a HMO the bank told me I will be in breach of the mortgage conditions and will affect future lending decisions as my mortgage is BTL not HMO type. That is all story. 

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  • 3 years later...

A good step to start is to talk with your mortgage provider about this issue, read your mortgage contract and the local mortgage laws. Discuss the options, and if you find the opportunities they provide to you uncomfortable, you can also approach the Mortgage Advisor London service and talk with them about your agreement. Maybe they will help you to find a proper way in your situation. If you get any trouble, post the details here or send me a private message. I will be glad to help you, Ethanpeng.

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  • 6 months later...

If the borrower has violated the terms of the loan agreement, the bank may recover the sums of money not paid on time at the expense of the property mortgaged. In this case, the right to use residential housing is terminated for citizens living in mortgage housing. However, the law does not say anything about violating the remaining points of the contract. Therefore, in my opinion, you can buy as you see fit. According to statistics, the socio-economic status of an average household is average, so do not worry that violating the terms of the mortgage will somehow negatively affect your credit history.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey man, I hope you're doing well! A good friend of mine had a similar issue a couple of years ago, and I can assure you that the only solution is seeking some professional assistance from mortgage Hey man, I hope you're doing well! A good friend of mine had a similar issue a couple of years ago, and I can assure you that the only solution to your problem is seeking some professional assistance from mortgage specialists. While I was always quite skeptical about getting mortgages, I finally decided to give in due to my lifelong dream of purchasing my own house. From my personal experience, I can say that Mortgage Advice Coventry is by far the best place for this kind of question. Its staff always does its best to find the right solution for the agency's clients. Good luck!. Good luck!

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Well, sad situation. I think the whole point is that people sign loan contracts without reading them. At the same time, lenders also don’t understand, wanting to sell you a loan as soon as possible. All this is due to frivolity and lack of knowledge. The above was a good problem. So I hope that you will be able to solve this problem. I just recently took out a mortgage. Before making a final decision, I thought for a very long time, weighed everything, and consulted with Mortgage Advice Leeds for a long time. Only in this way was I aware of all the risks and signed the contract. 

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