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Energy Performance Certificates

Rising Damp

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Prices do vary, depending on wether you find an assessor yourself, have a lettings agent organise it for you, wether the assessor is vat registered etc.

In my part of Essex, finding your own guy costs around £50 per property.......its tax deductable and lasts for 10 years.

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I have paid £40.......shop around. Avoid LA's EA's & Online Rip-Off's and deal direct with your assessor as I did.

Yes I know of an EA that is charging £150 and paying out £50 to the assessor.

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These are the prices charges by the NLA - National Landlords Association where I had all mine done.

Actually, the prices have gone down as I paid £69 per EPC in 2009.

EPC for Member £56

Non member £66

Floor Plans Member £56

Non member £66

EPC and floor plan Member £70

Non member £80

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A large proportion of people (landlords) just don't bother........I'd guess at over 75%. The only driver is a lettings agent that insists on you having one.....otherwise it isn't being actively policed.

A year or so ago when I was advertising a flat to rent I emailed lots of my competitors to check on the EPC situation.......and none of them had an EPC.

In your shoes I'd we asking myself......why bother.....the penallty is only £300 I think!

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It cheeses me off that there are some of us who follow the rules, and the ones that don't rarely get caught.

All the ho-ha about HMOs with the regulations, fire safety doors, wired smoke alarms etc., etc., ... I know of SO many who carry on regardless. And those who don't protect deposits.

Better step off my soap-box because once I start! mad.giflaugh.gif

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Isn't EPC an EU legal requirement? Anyone know the uptake in other member states?

Isn't EPC an EU legal requirement?


Anyone know the uptake in other member states?

No, but you can guarantee the French have mostly ignored it. :D

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Perhaps it's time we asked an MEP. My guess would be Germany high, Italy low, Spain & Greece probably zero ???!!!! Anyone add to that?

Seriously, if the law's not active, wasteful of our money, and not serving any real purpose (it's the users who can actually save energy, not the outside assessors) we should campaign to have it abolished.

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Seriously, if the law's not active, wasteful of our money, and not serving any real purpose (it's the users who can actually save energy, not the outside assessors) we should campaign to have it abolished.

Don't you think the Government & their advisers are busy at the moment working to reduce the country's debt and deficit ?

Its hardly a priority........campaigns are for issues that really matter not ones that will increase unemployment and take focus from more important work.

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While the powers that be have more important things to do than remove pointless legislation there seems to be no shortage of those that would enjoy creating more, rather than get on with those more important things.

How long before an MP does shout for us to hold annual (or at least periodic) electrical certificates without wondering how many detrimental events there are because we don't have them ?

It's time for these PC doo gooding pillocks to concentrate efforts in assisting industry (to especially include small business) rather than continually load it down.

Edit: IMHO

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How long before an MP does shout for us to hold annual (or at least periodic) electrical certificates without wondering how many detrimental events there are because we don't have them ?

It will be mandatory within 2 years according to my electrican.

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