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ICO Registration


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Yep, I wasn't aware of this extra new one till they told me I was overdue for payment.

The Welsh Assembly did that to me last month. I now have to take their course, pass their exam and of course pay their tax for registration. It'll take 8 weeks for them to assess my suitability. Meanwhile I'm still under threat of being prosecuted, under threat of fines and recovery of rents paid, and can't repossess my properties.

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I wouldn't worry too much about it. Unless the rules have changed it only applies if you store/process info electronically so if all you info etc is in paper form it doesnt apply.

I tried to report a agent to the  ICO (Data Commissioner) who wasn't registered a couple of years ago . Their response was to ask if their  (the agents) data was held  electronically which I replied it obviously was as they advertised on RM  had a website, email address etc. Well unless I could prove  they had data in electronic form they were not interested in looking into it or either phoning them up to ask the question . 


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I'll update later,

I'm under attack for failing to register. I don't recall any info warning or informing me.

This is for my Ltd co, so likely picked up via Co House, but the Co is near dormant so I'm intending to go online to assess the requirements.

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11 hours ago, Richlist said:

I'm not registered & not planning to register.


Nor me. I have taken their website questionnaire and it comes out as I am not required to register.  I do not store personal information on any of my tenants nor do I have CCTV camera's anywhere. I believe this ICO is mainly for larger  business organisations or to wind COR up even more   😀     or for private landlords/agents who do actually store personal information on their tenants.

Not sure?  Take the test and see.          https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/data-protection-fee/self-assessment/y

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Tbh I have been wound up so much recently I think my spring is about to go poing.

We've got QT in town tonight. Mrs COR wanted to be a part of the audience, she reckons I've a question or two I could put to the panel. I thought better of allowing the nation to see me with steam from me ears as I suggest whoever is a patronising git.

I don't see anyone of interest anyway. Cleverley isn't someone I would enjoy conversation with, but at least Norcott doesn't come across as being a 'destroy the capitlists' socialist. On the Kumar show I got the impression he was patronising the host some, for a few quids. I liked watching Rachel Parris if I'm honest, Kumar was the downside of the show.

I do hope the panel decide to get here by train, it's not quite coal into the boiler (still diesel though), but it is a slow haul up from Stockport, if they don't get mugged down there. If not they're lucky that the roads aren't buried under snow as is usual for January. Can't beat a bit of global warning heh.

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I see this ICO thing as another excuse to extract money from the poor landlord.  I'm not registered and have no intention of doing so. 

 A few (20) years ago  one of the councils where I have props was insisting that if you had a burglar alarm at the premises (a couple of mine did) then you had to register with some council offshoot and pay £25 per annum in case it went off so they could phone and tell you.  I did this for one year then the scheme fell to bits - I still wonder who took the cash as on enquiriy I could find no one to give me any info on the scheme.  I see this ICO thing for the small landlord as being in the same camp.

I'm off to a Brexit party!


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