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Damage to a my property


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Hi All,

I could do with your help,

I lived in a fairly new (4 year old property) and was offered a job abroad, So I decided to let my property out through a friends estate agents.

I rented the property to a professional family of 4 (2 adults an 2 children aged 7 and 1) for 30 months. But my job abroad didn't work out so i decided i wanted to move back into the property. We mutually agreed a move out date (even though i couldnt afford to move back in *moment of madness*) when i went back to the property it was not exactly how i left it?

They had put a mirror up in the living room (i did verbally consent to it) but now my mirror wont go back over the fire without seeing the holes.

There is a scuff on the bedroom wallpaper where their headboard was.

In the little boys bedroom there was a few coloured scuff mark on the wall where his toys had been on a toy box.

I paid for an electrician to move a light after they moved in but now i want it moving back, so i can charge them, right?

There was some softener in the softener compartment in the washer.

The ensuite shower needs re-siliconing as the rubber seal has some black mould on it, so surely i can also claim for the re grouting to be done too its not bad but not immaculately white?

They paid for a cleaner to come and do an end of tenancy clean but i wanted it to be a deep clean, can i charge them for this?

And the bins were full of rubbish, the tenants called the council and arranged for them to collect for free and they have an email from the council to prove this but i want a private company to come and sort the bins out instead.

What I want to know is can i charge them for all of the above? Their deposit is £775 and is with the DPS, i want to claim £640 to put the property back to the standard it was before they entered the property so i can move back in. How will the DPS deem the above points. I'm completely new to this, sorry.

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1. There is a scuff on the bedroom wallpaper where their headboard was.

No, Normal wear and tear after nearly 3 years.

2. In the little boys bedroom there was a few coloured scuff mark on the wall where his toys had been on a toy box.

No.....As above.

3. There was some softener in the softener compartment in the washer.

No surprise to find it there then? No.

4. The ensuite shower needs re-siliconing as the rubber seal has some black mould on it, so surely i can also claim for the re grouting to be done too its not bad but not immaculately white?


They paid for a cleaner to come and do an end of tenancy clean but i wanted it to be a deep clean, can i charge them for this?

5. If they have a receipt for the cleaning then the answer is No again.

And the bins were full of rubbish, the tenants called the council and arranged for them to collect for free and they have an email from the council to prove this but i want a private company to come and sort the bins out instead.

6. No, they have made satisfactory arrangements to have the rubbish cleared and they can prove this.

The DPS will NOT stop payment for the points you have raised and to put it softly to you they are trivial and it's best you move on and get your property back to how you like it. Think Fair Wear and Tear for the 3 years you have been away and you have had rent paid on time with no tenant problems it would appear.

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Ah, so I have no recourse then? They have had references drawn up by members of the police (family friends), previous landlords and their current landlord to say how cleanly they kept their property, to give to the DPS etc what about the holes in the living room wall? I know i verbally agreed to them putting their own up but my mirror wont go back now, do i lose out on that also? I really appreciate your advice, would you mind if i asked how you know all this info? are you a landlord too and have been through the DPS process?

Thanks again

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what about the holes in the living room wall? I know i verbally agreed to them putting their own up but my mirror wont go back now, do i lose out on that also?

I'm finding it hard to believe that your whole post is not a 'wind up'.

1. If you agreed to them having their own mirror fitted did you not think that they would need to have fixing holes to support the mirror ?

2. Your mirror WILL go back on the wall if thats what you want it............you just don't know how to do it. Get some expert help to refit your mirror.

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what about the holes in the living room wall? I know i verbally agreed to them putting their own up but my mirror wont go back now, do i lose out on that also?

I'm finding it hard to believe that your whole post is not a 'wind up'.

I was thinking the same

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I'm with the others - you can't freeze time and expect that the property is given back in exactly the same state it was left 3 years ago.

It may be your home,but it's been a rental property the same as any other - and with any house comes normal wear and tear. Ask yourself how you'd expect it to be if you'd been living there for the last couple of years - would you really expect to find it spotless and mark-free?

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Emma......the first thing you need to know and realise that it may be your "home" but when you rent your property out you technically do not own it anymore which is why it takes a Court of Law to take it back again should thing go wrong for you to gain possession.

Take 10 minutes out and read back on this forum the landlord's who have had real issues with renting their property out starting with months of non payment of rent. You have been very fortunate in getting your property back and full monthly rental payments with minimal hassle.

Yes, we are all mostly all experienced landlord's on here.

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Welcome to the world of landlords! Apart from further cleaning (which anyone returning home would surely do anyway?), if two screw holes and a bit of sealant is all you've got to fix you've done very well indeed from your rental. I'm with the others. Put it behind you!

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I really am sorry if I caused any offence, it was not my intention at all, sorry :-(

There was no offence caused on my part.

But I was astonished at your expectation that after 30 months of letting, your property should be returned in the same condition that it was at the start of your tenancy.

It seems to me that a few hours work & a relatively small sum of money will sort out all your main issues and that IS something to be gratefull for.

Good luck.

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Nobody has taken any offence Emma. This is the real world of landlording and anybody who comes on here will get replies from experienced landlord's who shoot from the hip which some people may not like what they are reading in the reply to their questions as it may contradict their view on what their experience has been in renting out their property.

You have done very well. Move on and get your home back to where you want it.

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Your check in / check out reports should show differences.

Anything not considered to be reasonable wear and tear 'might' be claimable.

If your T's are still looking for a new place please pass them to me, I dream of T's like that.

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I'm now thinking I should have been nicer to my tenants, considering how lightly I got off, thank you for all your help, it was just things that narked me to be honest like the oven being a bit dirty, and dust under my fridge but like you say a 30 month tenancy and 4 people is going to do that to an appliance, thank you for your help, hopefully I wont ever need to let out my home again.

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