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Rogue letting agent


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I am a gas engineer who was doing work for Northwood letting agents on Mansfield road Nottingham.

When i done any work for them they would get me to add extra money to my invoice,Which they would keep,Which more than often would double the cost of the job.

Example Landlords gas safety check i would charge £40 and they would tell me to make the invoice out for £80

So landlords beware.

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Why would you produce an invoice with an extra £40 added which you would have to produce to your accountant or HMRC if requested and you would have to pay the tax on income you never received?

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Your not a letting agent by any chance?

No......but most LA's put their mark-up onto tradesmen invoices. It sounds like your LA is involved in something else. VAT? False Invoicing? Who knows.

"Would tell me to make the invoice out for £80"

Which means your invoice records show £80 and not £40

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I appreciate your warning jedi. Nottingham isn't so far away from me so it's feasible I might come across Northwood.

The fact you have chanced losing a client by warning others is a credit, let's face it Northwood could identify you easy enough from what you have written here.

'Name and shame' good on yer.

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If you buy an item and sell it on for a profit it is not fraud and if you pay your tax on the profit it is not illegal.

The only person who is being deceived is the landlord,Because it is the letting agent ripping them off.

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If you buy an item and sell it on for a profit it is not fraud and if you pay your tax on the profit it is not illegal.

The only person who is being deceived is the landlord,Because it is the letting agent ripping them off.


You said:

"Example Landlords gas safety check i would charge £40 and they would tell me to make the invoice out for £80"

What should happen is that YOU make out the invoice for £40 to Northwood and Northwood can charge what they like to the Landlord as long as they invoice the Landlord for, in your case, £80.

You are acting as their sub contractor for gas work. It is common practice for LA's to add their commission rates to any sub contract work and to pass that additional costs onto the landlord.

YOU should be telling Northwood that YOU won't make out invoices for false amounts. I take it your not VAT registered and you are a sole trader?

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Won't your business suffer in the long run, while the LA makes money from you? - if tenants realise that what they are being billed for is steep (without knowing why), they will never choose to use you and may suggest to others that they don't either.

Surely, when you have nothing to gain from doing this - and much to lose - it would make sense to refuse to do it.

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onlet which is being heavily promoted on this forum charge £75 + vat (£90) for a gas certificate so I wonder what they are paying the gasafe engineer to undertake this certification? £55? £60 ? or less than that? A local Gasafe inspection in my area is around £55 inc vat. ( or free in my case. :D )

Yes, London and M25 area will be much more expensive than this for obvious reasons.

Never ceases to amaze me.......landlord's pick up the phone and arrange your own gas inspection. Much cheaper!

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I have got Gas Certs for as little as £45 no vat but normally for about 15 quid extra I get a service as well which I would say is advisable but sometimes get charged a bit move if there are extra gas appliances such as fires as well

I do get annoyed with some of the gas engineers though. I have one who always seems to find fault and wants to condemn the boiler or shut it off until something is done about an issue but is very reliable and will chase up tenants to gain access and keep us informed if he cant.

I have other engineers who are more flexible, are prepared to try and fix faults but then don’t tell us that they couldn’t gain access and we think the cert been done and are waiting for the invoice which could be 2/3 weeks later.

The trouble with faults when brought to your attention by the engineer is they are the experts/proffessional and it isnt always practical to get a second opinion.

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onlet which is being heavily promoted on this forum charge £75 + vat (£90) for a gas certificate so I wonder what they are paying the gasafe engineer to undertake this certification? £55? £60 ? or less than that? A local Gasafe inspection in my area is around £55 inc vat. ( or free in my case. :D )

Yes, London and M25 area will be much more expensive than this for obvious reasons.

Never ceases to amaze me.......landlord's pick up the phone and arrange your own gas inspection. Much cheaper!

I read this with interest, does it matter what one person buys and sells for compared to another, no one is forced to take the gas certificate at that price, if you want it have it, if you can get it yourself do so. You make a better point for Onlet than they do themselves, it seems to me that both yourself and Grampa have a vested, super senior status at stake here, it appears that you both have some kind of interest in not accepting the new. A forum where someone dictates hows stupid the rest of us are, isn't pretty. I have joined to get some advice, so that I can make my own choices, from any advice given, it actually appears to me that you want to put Onlet down, when they haven't even taken part ( and no, for your information I am not connected to them either!)

Also, what do you mean by,,,,,,,,,,, (or in my case free :D ) ,,,,,,,,,,,,can you give me and everyone else on here, a local gas certificate for free???? then please send me the details, would like to know how thats done, and maybe where the hidden costs are, somewhere down the line.

Just because I am new to this site doesn't make me stupid, naive maybe, but you are well and truely opening my eyes to the old and wise, so cheers for that :D

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Also, what do you mean by,,,,,,,,,,, (or in my case free :D ) ,,,,,,,,,,,,can you give me and everyone else on here, a local gas certificate for free???? then please send me the details, would like to know how thats done, and maybe where the hidden costs are, somewhere down the line.

...........Because my Son owns and runs his Heating & Plumbing Company. Naturally I don't pay. I also do not plug his Company on this website as others will testify to.

There is a fairly strict code on here about advertising as already mentioned we could be plagued with EA's and LA's advertising on this forum which is not what this this forum is all about. The Mods do turn a semi blind eye to some minor advertising which is OK by me and to others on here but what we don't need is rampant LA or EA advertising most of which is disguised in it's content and presentation and of course you can normally see through it for what it is.

I don't recall nor can I see anywhere on this topic whereby any contributer has called or inferred you, or anyone else as stupid.

I think if you take the time to read back on the topics you will find that the advice given out is by and large very good and in the 10 years this forum has been running I would say we have helped a lot of novice and experienced landlord's with their problems.

Of course if people do not want to take that advice then that is their choice and they can go their own way.

I am in the property business to make money, it is my way to earn a living and I am not working to make other people rich so that is my reason for stating previously that there other ways of paying for for goods and services as a Landlord.

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Bradley - Mel get his gas certificates for free because he and latterly his son were/are registered gas safe engineers. Stop the paranoia and read his previous posts full of good advice on gas/heat/ hot water issues.

The whole idea of forums is to share knowledge - trouble is you have to read the posts - all of them!


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Sorry, but why should anyone, especially newcomers, know why Melboy gets his gas checks for free?

Which is why I answered his question with a very poilte reply as he didn't know but it is true to say that most members on this forum who have been here for a few years will know what my previous employment history is as I have often answered their boiler/heating/plumbing/gas questions as best I could from my armchair.

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Bradley - Mel get his gas certificates for free because he and latterly his son were/are registered gas safe engineers. Stop the paranoia and read his previous posts full of good advice on gas/heat/ hot water issues.

The whole idea of forums is to share knowledge - trouble is you have to read the posts - all of them!


Point taken, I haven't read all of the posts, jumped in with both feet, just the few I have read appear to treat newcomers views as insignificant or irrelavant as Chestnut so aptly puts...........especially newcomers.......... in his last post.

I joined to gain and share knowledge and yes on the whole everyone does try to give good advice, apologies to anyone offended by my remarks but it may also be necessary for the ones that have been here longer to reflect on how they come across to us newcomers too. We all have something to share


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I'm happy to come across as a complete ar****** and have no intention of changing ! :P


I'm happy to come across as a complete newcomer too, can we stop and then start again, I just want some help and advice, if I need to go elsewhere for it then fine, but you have to admit this kind of quote doesn't help the newbies on here either.

Or anyone else for that matter



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Well I HAVE read the whole thread twice and don't see why anyone.....Bradley, newcomer or anyone else .....should take offence at what has been posted. If you are over sensitive or don't have a sense of humour perhaps this forum isn't for you ?

I've been on this forum for a couple of years now and have never read posts with complaints such as yours Bradley.

If you are unhappy with any post there is a process for you to raise the issue with the site owners.

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I am the 'milk monitor' for this forum and normally keep an open eye on any comments that are beginning to get out of hand with personal abuse and blatent advertising.

We have had the lot of this forum from porn to libellous comments but they are swiftly dealt with by the Mods. once reported.

I for one and many others on this forum, new or old members, will not tolerate personal abuse from troll like people out to cause mischief and we all know it goes on. I am not saying that this is the current situation here.

Richlist is not an ars*h*le in my view but he does have forthright views which by and large are normally correct in what he is trying to put across to other forum members.

Perhaps being a long established landlord does give you a different outlook on the renting/landlording/ tenant business especially if you have had bad experiences over a period of time.

Being a landlord is not easy and it does amaze me how many enter into into this business without knowing the very basics of what is expected of them as a rental landlord and perhaps that is where this forum comes into it's own.

In the first 5 years of my landlording I made so many mistakes and I did not have the luxury of coming onto a forum like this to air my problems or to resolve them. You never stop learning in this business and that is a fact.

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I didn't call Richlist an A******* I was trying to apologise, Richlist wrote that quote, I don't think he is one either on the contrary I was saying that I was in the wrong and wanted to start again, having read it, it doesn't sound too much like an apology. Being a landlord isn't easy and don't I know it, I have learned from this forum and have jumped in with both feet, its not the first time that I have offended someone with my nature, Let me just say this, I have learned that you are a helpful group of people and I know that I was wrong so I want to say sorry.

I have also realised that I don't know enough about being a landlord, I thought that once I had property then it would be just a case of receiving my rent every month and then getting some more property and then eventually I would be rich. It is not that simple so today I have decided that I may sell the property and become a landscape gardener, actually I don't know anything about that either, but I can grow some cracking peas! Your points are well and truely taken

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