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Recommended on-line property web sites? (New to the game)


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Could anyone recommend a good on-line property web site to advertise a flat to rent?

We are new to the game and there seems to be so much choice....

e.g. are any of these good?

upad, iamtheagent,makeurmove,brilliantlandlords,houseladder,tenants4u.

Just want simple / safe / accredited service with rental insurance cover

Hope someone can help

Thanks a-lot.

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I suspect that your experience with lettings or estate agents is limited to just one or perhaps two agents. Thats hardly an appropriate sample size on which to judge the performance of the industry generally. There are good agents around ......you just have to find them. Walking into any local//high street agent without asking the right questions leaves you vulnerable to the rogue ones.

Did you ask your sample .......eg

* what experience, training & qualifications the staff have ?

* how long they have been in business ?

* whether they belong to any trade bodies ?

etc etc etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

if its rental guarantee your after you want to look up onlet.co.uk i got a call for them a week or two ago the staff are extremely helpful and knowledgeable, bend over backwards to help you and not pushy sales staff. There prices were more than reasonable and it allowed you to manage everything your self online. i know they do ad services to as im going to place my HMO with them at the end of the month .. check them out :D

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I have just come across this as I have been trying to find out more about this very same thing, I also had a call from the same company and quite agree with everything that you posted, I was unsure as to whether I should go with an online service, but now that I have seen this post I feel much more comfortable. I actually rang them back pretending to be a tenant to see whether they did what they said they did and they were just as polite and helpful to me as a potential tenant and there were no hidden fees either, they charged the tenant just £60 to reference check and that's it. I was really pleased with how they dealt with all my queries, their prices are good too, my property is in London and to go with this company will save me a huge amount and to be honest I really liked the people that I spoke to I did actually feel that i could trust them and seeing your post has sealed it for me. Thank you :rolleyes:

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Just come across this thread

I have also used onlet.co.uk and have found them to be easy to deal with.... helpful in the extreme.... nothing too small.....and completely reliable...........

I can't tell you how relieved I was when they took over........... they gave me complete control, but they were there every step I took, it was so reassuring to have them with me.

I have read the posts throughout this website and yes I have been there......... wanting to tear my hair out and scream from the rooftops, because everything is so complex..............tax tax tax tax tax etc etc etc............ benefits............no benefits.......... foreigners........... no foreigners...........

No problem now.............. I have tenants in courtesy of said company............... they manage everything, I went for the guarantee it, which includes any eviction proceedings, plus guaranteed rent!!!!!, they take care of it all............much relief.

If you guys want to ask me anything, before you go ahead then please email me, but I have been with them for a while now and no problem is too small for them, I have no worries with my property now, if I have to get the tenants out for any reason.......... its covered..........

If the tenants move out then I will re-advertise and take the guarantee it again.......... I really don't think that I will look back in anger on this choice.......

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How long have you used them Amanda? Are you conected to them?

It would look that way by the content of what I am reading.

My advice is for anyone to look at the charges by onlet which, to be fair, are clearly listed to the prospective landlord and add them all up. Comes to quite a large sum of money imo. Fair enough some of the items listed are essential for proeprty letting but it has to be said you could achieve the same cover much cheaper by shopping around locally........and is a landlord in the property business to make money for themselves or to make money for a 3rd party?

I know where I am on that question.

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Thanks to All for your advice - very much appreciated.

We've checked out Onlet and It looks like they offer the same kind of package we have been looking at on "lettingaproperty.com".

If anyone has had experience of this company we would very much like to know of your experience.Having spent a few weeks now trawling around they seem to offer what we need.


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Just come across this thread

I have also used onlet.co.uk and have found them to be easy to deal with.... helpful in the extreme.... nothing too small.....and completely reliable...........

I can't tell you how relieved I was when they took over........... they gave me complete control, but they were there every step I took, it was so reassuring to have them with me.

I have read the posts throughout this website and yes I have been there......... wanting to tear my hair out and scream from the rooftops, because everything is so complex..............tax tax tax tax tax etc etc etc............ benefits............no benefits.......... foreigners........... no foreigners...........

No problem now.............. I have tenants in courtesy of said company............... they manage everything, I went for the guarantee it, which includes any eviction proceedings, plus guaranteed rent!!!!!, they take care of it all............much relief.

If you guys want to ask me anything, before you go ahead then please email me, but I have been with them for a while now and no problem is too small for them, I have no worries with my property now, if I have to get the tenants out for any reason.......... its covered..........

If the tenants move out then I will re-advertise and take the guarantee it again.......... I really don't think that I will look back in anger on this choice.......

Thanks Amanda - appreciate it.

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Yes, me too Buck I would like to have some feedback on onlet from Landlord's & Tenant's.

Are they a new company does anyone know?

Looking for the same info, I received a call from them before Christmas, I agree that they weren't pushy, sent me an email. Nice enough but my property wasn't available, looking to do something with it now though as its coming up for renewal soon and just wondering if I should advertise now to get some prospects in before the others leave.

When they rang me, they said that they were a new start up but were accredited and had years of previous experience, i haven't used online people before hence looking for feedback.

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Thanks Amanda - appreciate it.

No problem Buck, I thought the point of these forums was to help each other out and give feedback on our own experiences...........It seems that if you give positive feedback about anyone then the knives seem to come out from a small minority. All I can say in answer to them is no I am not connected..........yes I am happy with their service...............and why don't they find out for themselves, I was only trying to help, but have ended up feeling bad. I hope you find the right agent and all goes well for you................


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No problem Buck, I thought the point of these forums was to help each other out and give feedback on our own experiences...........It seems that if you give positive feedback about anyone then the knives seem to come out from a small minority. All I can say in answer to them is no I am not connected..........yes I am happy with their service...............and why don't they find out for themselves, I was only trying to help, but have ended up feeling bad. I hope you find the right agent and all goes well for you................


Don't feel bad not everyone thinks the same way, I also thought that Onlet were helpful, and your post has helped me too, so if you want my advice shake it off and get on with your day B)

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No problem Buck, I thought the point of these forums was to help each other out and give feedback on our own experiences...........It seems that if you give positive feedback about anyone then the knives seem to come out from a small minority. All I can say in answer to them is no I am not connected..........yes I am happy with their service...............and why don't they find out for themselves, I was only trying to help, but have ended up feeling bad. I hope you find the right agent and all goes well for you................


............because Amanda this forum has been overloaded with online letting agents and EA's pushing their agencies so you will appreciate that some of us are a bit wary when it comes to gushing recommendations from poster's with just a couple of contributions to the forum.

The bottom line is that most landlord's can source their own LA or EA from the hundred's of business's that have sprung up in the last 10 years or so in the UK. This forum is a magnet for those agencies to place free advertising.


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............because Amanda this forum has been overloaded with online letting agents and EA's pushing their agencies so you will appreciate that some of us are a bit wary when it comes to gushing recommendations from poster's with just a couple of contributions to the forum.

The bottom line is that most landlord's can source their own LA or EA from the hundred's of business's that have sprung up in the last 10 years or so in the UK. This forum is a magnet for those agencies to place free advertising.


I appreciate that, thank you for putting me right, being new I felt a bit excited about being able to contribute, I will curb my enthusiasm from now on

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It looks like they have been going less than 6 months.


That ties in with what I was told when I spoke to them, they said that they were a new start up, so at least they didn't try to throw a load of bull out, which I have been on the receiving of in the past.

But thanks for this how do I use this link to check out a few others? do I just type in their company name and you get this information, not seen this before so very interested on going through a few of them, or do I have to pay?

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Just a quick question, there is a lot of stuff going around about DSS tenants getting the money and not the landlord, should I stear clear of DSS or is there a way around it by guaranteeing your rent? I know that when I spoke to these guys, they told me that if the tenant can get a guarantor then it could still be covered, is this true?

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Because it's much cheaper. Having had experience of letting through an estate agent, paying high fees and dealing with most issues myself, I don't see the advantage over an online service.

I constantly get agents ringing me, I would like to pay less (obviously) but would also like to know that its safe, I deal with my own properties, I just would like to know that when I pay my fees, the job is done, this hasn't always been my experience. I am looking into online services too, for reduced costs, but not sure whether to go with it or not.

On the fence, any advice would be good

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I constantly get agents ringing me, I would like to pay less (obviously) but would also like to know that its safe, I deal with my own properties, I just would like to know that when I pay my fees, the job is done, this hasn't always been my experience. I am looking into online services too, for reduced costs, but not sure whether to go with it or not.

On the fence, any advice would be good

Me too, I'm know that there are much more experienced people on here that can give much better advice than me, I deal with my own stuff too, but struggling with the fees, some of the posts lean to letting agents, and some don't. I know that I have been bitten more than once with fees, which is why I do it myself. There has got to be an easier way than fighting through this maze man.

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