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Landlords responsibilities re-pets


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I am new to letting and half way through a 1 year contract we have had some structural damage caused by trees.

The repairs, covered by insurance require the tenants to move out for approx 1 week.

Accommodation, food allowance, removals etc etc are all covered by the insurance.

The tenant refuses to move out unless we pay for the kennels for his dog which is not covered by insurance.

I do not believe I have any responsibility to his pet which is only in the property because permission was given at initial let.

I would appreciate you views.


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It sounds like the work is major and urgent and waiting a couple of months or more might not be a realistic option.

I don't believe you have any responsibility for the costs of the dog BUT as the work is urgent ....in your shoes I'd pay the dogs accomoodation costs and get the house repairs done. Then I'd claim the costs back from the tenants deposit or take legal action in the county court for the costs.

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The work needs doing but cant be that urgent as had to wait months whilst they monitored the cracks and then establish it was trees and get the council to remove them.

The tenant keeps coming up with new issues as soon as you address the ones he has given, he has now added what if the work runs over and the accommodation found isn't available as well as the dog.

I have approached the insurance company to see if the work can be delayed, if not I will pay for the dog so the work can be done. Either way he will be getting his S21 notice for his end of contract in early January so he will have extra bills and removals to carry out right on top of Xmas as I am not going to have this every time we need to do something.

i already have a new tenant waiting. and early Feb is good for them.

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