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End of Buy to let ?


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Sorry I have been lurking here for some time but not yet posted but i thought you would all be interested.

if i have missed this and its been seen before I appologise.

I understand that Europe is looking at outlawing the UK buy to let morgage.


News of vote

there is a UK gov petition seeking the British govenment to reject this you may wish to sign up to ensure the continuation of the Buy to Let morgage as a finance option.


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Successful or not I can't see this affecting my business plans.

Annoying is that the Europrats feel entitled to meddle with our home economics, something that has no need to affect anyone outside the UK.

As if it isn't annoying enough that so much effort is spent (wasted) by our local council (Government) in London now we must witness so much money being wasted by the Upper House in Europe with pointless debates and committees.

For those that can speak English we need teach them "Naff Off".

Edit: IMHO of course as I have no issue with their free speech I'm just sick of paying for it.

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We are ruled by Europe now so just get use to it. :D

I think we pay £45 million pounds per DAY for the privilige of being an EU partner.

Hardly a bargain is it.

I'm too old now to get worked up about it all but you have to ask yourself where will it all end?

To my mind there are 650 MP's sitting in Parliament wasting their time and taxpayer's money because it seems to me that every decision regarding UK law has to approved by a bunch of unelected people in the EU Commission.

Needless to say you don't have to be Brain of Britain to work out that regardless, I am voting UKIP at the next election because they cannot do any worse than than the 3 major parties we have in choice for the next general election.

I shall never vote Tory again!

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Meboy wrote : I am voting UKIP at the next election because they cannot do any worse than than the 3 major parties we have in choice for the next general election.

Yes I am the same Mel, always been a Tory ,never voted another way, I have joined as a paid up member to UKIP in a bid to get us out of the EU

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End of Buy to Let ??????.................Its never ever going to happen is it ?.....be reallistic ?

It may be that there will be further restrictions imposed on BTL mortgages and interest only mortgages but come on, please, lets all be sensible.

I'm not going to lower my standards and belittle myself in signing this silly petition.

The whole thing is an insult to any professional landlords intelligence ! :blink:

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I have been in hope that Cameron was not just blowing hot air in his attempt at standing up for the UK and our independent rights. Deregulation (as long as it's not just for the Banks) is something I think could help the 'small' industry, enabling a 'get on with it' approach.

Europe has become to far up it's own ass with it's meglamania trying to create uniformity where it just don't work. Different nations, different cultures, climates, sizes, strengths, weaknesses. The differences should be accepted and left as that.

Europe is now too clumsy and corrupt. Principles started as good but the practice is cr*p. Of course it does get examined more now we are all looking for who or what to blame for the financial state, but it's about time.

I haven't looked at UKIP for a few years, back then they seemed reasonable enough but losing credibility due to small minded in fighting, ya know like Parliament.

RL I sort of agree that this aim to limit BTL lending won't get through but why the hell are we paying for these gits so much to design it, fight it, amend it, fight it again..... The salaries and pension these Europrats are getting is another world. They are only in service to themselves at our great expense ?

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I've been a big supporter of Europe for many years but UKIP don't do it for me.

I live in an area that is under Tory control and I can't praise my local Tory councillors enough. Over the last couple of years my councillors have served me excellently. I am always emailing my local Cllr for help and support when I can't get my own way with anyone in authority. They have attended enquiries, hearings etc and given their full support. So good has their performance been that I have gone out of my way to praise them at every opportunity.

....and UKIP representitives.....guess what......nowhere to be seen at local plannning appeal enquiries that were a major issue for local people. The only time we see or hear from UKIP is when there is an election ....national or local.......so they won't be getting my vote.

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I, being of sound mind, voted against Europe in the 1970's since it didn't take a mastermind to see what the outcome of membership would be. Apart from farmers who make a nice earner from grossly corrupt EU handouts, I don't know anyone else who's benefitted.

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