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Guest corine39

Yeah,need to get an EPC for any properties let after 1 October 2008 otherwise you risk getting fined. Never had a tenant of mine ask to see the epc on the property yet!!

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Crazy isn't it.......you could have the only rented property in a road of houses privately owned yet only you as a Landlord has to have an EPC for that property.....OR ELSE!


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I'm not sure the previous posters have entirely clarified the situation.

You DO NOT need an EPC if your property is already let or if you provide a new contract to an existing tenant.

You DO need an EPC before you market/ advertise your property for a new tenant.

An EPC lasts for 10 years or until improvements render the existing EPC invaid.

The policing of EPC's is carried out by the overworked, underfunded, understaffed, jobsworths in Trading Standards. I have NEVER heard of anyone being prosecuted for not having an EPC. I should think TS have far more important things to do with their time.

I carried out my own (small) survey on Gumtree about a year ago. At the time I was advertising a small flat (which had an EPC) and wanted to know how many other private advertisers (my competition) with the same flat & in the same area had bothered to get an EPC. The answer was 1:20 or 5%. So much for Trading Standards.

Draw your own conclusions.

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I've had the lot done, only ever been asked for sight by an Agent (and instructed him only to show T's if requested). Waste of bloody money.

Of 5 flats the most efficient came out worst.

It's the bit at the bottom that tells a T how much I'm costing him as I haven't provided energy saving lamps and a condensing boiler I resent.

Should've been kicked out with HIPs when they realised what f' up that was.

All just more indirect taxation.

I'm not really a winging, belly aching, grumpy, nasty knickers. I'll leave that to RL ohmy.gif

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I'm not really a winging, belly aching, grumpy, nasty knickers. I'll leave that to RL ohmy.gif

I resent that.

I have a reputation that goes way beyond that which you have described. Its taken me many years of hard work to develop and I'm not having some half assed landlord that thinks he knows a few answers upstaging me.B)

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I'm not really a winging, belly aching, grumpy, nasty knickers. I'll leave that to RL ohmy.gif

I resent that.

I have a reputation that goes way beyond that which you have described. Its taken me many years of hard work to develop and I'm not having some half assed landlord that thinks he knows a few answers upstaging me.B)


The EPC was an EU directive rather than a Labour Government directive tied in with HIPs legislation so it could not be put to one side as easy as HIP's but I do agree with RL why bother? I certainly didn't on a ground floor flat as I considered it to be a waste of my money to produce a pointless and worthless piece of paper for a modern ground floor flat.


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Valid for 10 years and inforced by the council weights and measures dept unless it has changed recently. The fine for not having one is 2-300 hundred quid but i think you get the chance to get one if found out.

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The fine for not having one is 2-300 hundred quid but i think you get the chance to get one if found out.

Is that really the case ? Well either not having one is an offence punishable by a fine OR it is not a real offence, they don't fine you and you are let off if you go get an EPC......it can't be both.

Just the small size of the fine and the suggestion that you will be let off would be enough for most people to just not bother getting one.

Personally I'd impose a massive fine as a means of helping out the budget deficit.

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The fine for not having one is 2-300 hundred quid but i think you get the chance to get one if found out.

Is that really the case ? Well either not having one is an offence punishable by a fine OR it is not a real offence, they don't fine you and you are let off if you go get an EPC......it can't be both.

Just the small size of the fine and the suggestion that you will be let off would be enough for most people to just not bother getting one.

Personally I'd impose a massive fine as a means of helping out the budget deficit.

I think it depends on the individual council and how zealous they are.

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