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I'm sure it isn't the 1st time many of us have heard of this,


The poor sods who fall for this are somewhat complicit as they mustn't have viewed prior to handing over dosh. But increasingly I'm seeing a trend to hand over lots of dosh for unseen merchandise, buying cars springs to mind on that one.

From the selfish perspective does it increase our risks?

It seems if 'occupiers' are in our properties the police are shrugging their shoulders. I thought that had been made criminal and such occupiers and those that had aided such an occupation were to be held to account. seems not.

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I saw that news item and It doesn't surprise me at all regarding the Police lack of interest.

It appears to me  nowadays and I am speaking from experience and from people I know who have been victims of crime the Police are always coming up with a reason not to visit or investigate and when they do its a half arsed job and will only investigate when you do your own investigation to gather further information for them. 

In my opinion Police aren't interested in justice any more they just want a easy result.   

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While I agree Grampa I've experienced a different response in different areas.

Prestatyn is a wasted phone call, unless there are blood and guts.

In Buxton I have experienced more pro active responses, but  as you say one occasion I had to tell them where to find the perpetrator or it would have been shrugged off.

Different occasion 2 years ago I called 999 as what I could hear over the gardens was an escalating intense and threatening situation. Walking on and the sirens were going t'other way, so already busy. The next day Plod called to ask if I had seen knives, of course I hadn't. But clearly prevention was required. So It seems like things got a lot worse.

Our station is pretty much 9-5 convenience hours now. Later on bods will be taken up to 30 miles for 'interview'. Trying to get home when finished with is a bit difficult and expensive in rural parts, so teaches me that there is now an increased risk added to any involvement of trying to be a good citizen.

The downward spiral into deterioration of our social environment is one we can't win.

The police are seemingly not interested in break ins.If we find illegal occupants during a void it now seems we can't expect police assistance. We are expected I suppose to go through the legal processes, Bailiffs being the ultimate. What we get back, eventually, might well be business destroying, and soul destroying obviously.

Our risks are continually increasing and our rewards being continually eroded. Sorry if I seem so negative, but am I the only one?

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I know its easy to tar them all with the same brush but you can only comment on your own experiences but I do think there is a general attitude of the Police palming the issue off if they they can.

What really annoys me is reports of the Police still taking no interest or enforcement  in squatting in residential properties even though it is now a criminal not civil offence and to them blatantly turning a blind eye to certain traveling people who park illegally  on private or council ground, trash it with rubbish, sewage  and damage before they are moved on without penalty and huge cost to the owner of the property. The staff in our local Tesco a few years a were told not to confront shoplifters from  a bunch of these people who were parked illegally nearby because the Police weren't interested so word got back to these lovey people so they were walking out with full shopping trolleys of goods unquestioned and unpaid. 


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Or not.

I'm seeing them but seemingly unchallenged.

I imagine though that if the scooters for hire in London aren't used because  people have their own then Grant Shapps will make sure the police act.

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My 30 year old Niece is about to join the police force, well, not a real police person but as a PCSO. She has been trying to join for a number of years now but could never get accepted until now but funny enough she was sponsored by a serving police sergeant who she knew and the general rule is now you do at least 2 years as a PCSO and then apply for the real thing. She is a tall, slim blonde and can handle herself if she had too.

I am surprised that the police were looking for this type of female police person in the current climate of recruitment criteria.

I shall follow her career with interest.  😃

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It is a sorry state of affairs where it now appears more and more of older members of society are disillusioned with the Police which I dont think was so bad 20 years ago. There may make been more police corruption 20 years ago however, I think there was generally higher respect for the British police by the man in the street.    

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I can't remember the last time I actually saw a policeman or policewoman in real life.

I've seen them on TV, read about the police in newspapers and seen the 'occasional' police car on the roads but I've not seen one in uniform for months. Do they still exist ? No, that's far to cynical........or is it ?

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