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Police Reports for Insurance claims


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Hi Guys

I hope someone out there can help me please.

I have recently had one of my properties burgaled, of which everything has been stripped from the house, including all of the copper and the bolier.

I have insurance, and the loss adjuster for my insurance company has requested the police reports for the break in.

I made statements to the police, and I have a crime number for the incident.

The burglary took place in April, and I have been waiting for the police reprts now for 6 weeeks, this seems like an absurd amount of time to have to wait.

I have been ringing my insurance company weekly to see if they have them recieved them yet, as of yet they haven't.

So my question please is how long does this process usually take to recieve the police reports?

Has anyone of you fellow landlords ever had this experience of having to wait for police reports to validate an insurance claim.

And finally is there any kind of official route I can take to speed this process up, in all this case hase been handled really unprofessionaly by my insurers, I am keen to get this resolved, but Im feeling a bit lost about how to go about it now.

Any help or advice would be gladly recieved.

Thanks guys I look forward to hearing from you.


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Never been in this situation be know the police are a load of slackers when it comes to paperwork like this.

It is pretty standard these days where a crime has been committed to want to see reports - you could be a fraudulent person.

Get onto the plod and try and find out what the hold up is. Get onto your local councillor and complain - see if their intervention can speed things up. Also consider contacting your local newspaper with the story - they love stuff like this and and you seem to like flashing a photo about. It may well get you the result you need.

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Normally a crime number would be enough for the insurance company.

You don't mention which insurance company you are dealing with?

I do know from experience Direct Line would have settled within 28 days once the loss adjuster had filled in their report and taken the necessary photo's etc.

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Do you have a local Neighbourhood Watch scheme? If so, they would (should) have direct connection with local police reps serving on their management and should help you to clear this up. In any case N W would wish to be informed of your incident.

If you don't know about N W in your area, ask your local council, as Mortitia has advised.

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My experience of Towergate is terrible and I would advise not to use them at all.

I have a claim that's been on going for over 8 months and it appears they are doing everything possible to drag their heels and are now re-asking questions that could have been asked months ago and are declared on the original application anyway.

I do wonder if its because they have personally underwritten this policy themselves so any claim comes out of their pocket.

I have had similar problems with other Towergate claims and their communication is the absolutely the worst company in my life I have ever had to deal with.

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Dont forget if ever you get a claim and a loss adjuster is instructed (and paid) by the insurer their job is to get the claim reduced as much as possible so you can instruct your own loss assessor who will try to get you as much as possible.

I have known of the loss adjustor and loss assessor turning up on site at the same time then going for a coffee and a iced bun together to thrash out an figure..

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My experience of Towergate is terrible and I would advise not to use them at all.

I have a claim that's been on going for over 8 months and it appears they are doing everything possible to drag their heels and are now re-asking questions that could have been asked months ago and are declared on the original application anyway.

I do wonder if its because they have personally underwritten this policy themselves so any claim comes out of their pocket.

I have had similar problems with other Towergate claims and their communication is the absolutely the worst company in my life I have ever had to deal with.

I have heard of complaints about Towergate as well. I used to insure my properties through them a few years back but not anymore. I was last year with Simply Landlord Insurance but will be changing to Direct Line Landlord's Insurance this year for multiple property insurance. Their quotes are quite reasonable to me.

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I go out for quotes every year via the comparison sites , have been with Towergate in the past and also did a comparison with Direct Line and found them very expensive in fact this insured year Swinton were the best and I even got a £75 cash back cheque per property for 5 properties insured with them after 6 months.

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The trouble is you never know how good a insurance company is until you try to make a claim.

Precisely. Direct Line settled my claim when my home was struck by lightning last year causing a lot of damage within 2 weeks. Cash in the bank.. Assessor was here within 3 days. He was brilliant.

Beat that!

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When someone is looking for the best provider they usually mean, cheapest but as previous posters have suggested, there is more to it than cost.

It's the same with energy suppliers. The cheapest may not provide the best service. Apart from cost to consider there is....how easy it is to contact them, the speed of their response, how quickly they pay out and many many other factors.

Some of the search engines provide individual supplier performance for many different factors so you can compare performance on criteria that best suits you.

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No doubt you'll be declaring the £375 as income on the relevant tax return Kerbut ? George Osbourne has spy's everywhere and needs all the revenue he can get to reduce the deficit.

Your are quite right RL, it never crossed my mind !

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