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Tenant(s) A, B, and C problems


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Hello I am residential live-in landlord with three tenants all sharing the same living space.

Tenant A and Tenant B get along just fine, but they both tell me that they want tenant C gone or they will move out. Tenant A and B are also my longest renters of the three. They tell me all of things that tenant C does while I am away at work, but when I confront tenant C about any issue tenant C denies it and says they are not doing it, so I give tenant C the benefit of the doubt and a warning. The problem is I have given tenant C warning after warning and still my other tenants tell me that tenant C breaks all of the house rules when I am not there. Now the issue I have here is I don't know what is actually happening when I am away at work and I don't want to risk a bad eviction on a tenant who might be doing nothing wrong that could turn around and sue me for it.

My question is should I evict tenant C to keep my other renters happy eventhough tenant C claims they are not doing anything wrong and everything being told to me is lies.

Also how would I even go about evicting tenant C and what would the grounds be for such a legal action to be taken when they pay rent on time without fault.

-My gut tells me to get rid of tenant C, but my heart says give tenant C the benefit of the doubt. He/She just might be innocent!

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There is no place for emotion if you want to be a landlord.

If you really, REALLY want to solve this problem then, in my opinion tenant 'C' MUST be replaced with someone who everyone gets on with. I don't think you need to give any reason other than their presence is causing disruption.

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If you are a genuine live-in landlord the tenants wont have an Assured Shorthold Tenancy but a licence/lodger agreement. This means they have few rights and you could just give a week/ fortnight or months notice. Is there a a written agreement in place? If so what does it say about notice periods?

I also agree with Richlist and advise you to give notice to this tenant asap. You don't have to give a reason.

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A bit of caution.

It may be that C is a prat, but also it may be that A & B like thing s their own way.

When 2 T's get together to negotiate for their own desires there is a potentially dangerous situation for you. If this is the case then soon enough they will be finding other things they don't like and for them that could be the way you run 'your' house.

Before taking any action I would plant surveillance equipment or do this yourself to ascertain where the fault/s actually are. If it's A & B things are likely to get worse.

I am fortunate in that when I have had these experiences I can drive home and only have to tackle them on returning, besides silly phone calls, threats, police action and involvement, your clearly going to have to live with them.

It seems C isn't actually causing you grief so I would state that you won't hoof anyone out at this time of year. Use the period to ascertain where the issues are. In my view if it's A & B who would prefer you to displace some one for their own ends I wouldn't , as lodgers, give them notice from my home I would hoof 'em while they are out. If it is C a bit of notice in the New Year and the job's done.

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So far that I know of tenant C has accused my other tenants of stealing money, trying to poison them, damaging furniture stored in the garage, used racial slurs (Something tenant A is highly upset about), they've also been accused of smoking in the house where I have combat veteran with health problems, they have definately screamed at me, and had a domestic violence issue on the premises itself between themselves. They have also lied to me, saying that tenant B said such and such, but when I confronted tenant B he said no I never said that. Finally they drink quite alot and argue quite alot, but apparently the argueing only happens when I am not there. So once again I don't know what is actually happening. I trust tenant A and B alot more than I do tenant C given the fact that tenant C lied directly to my face and brought another tenant into the middle of a discussion claiming tenant B said such and such.

My other tenants are upset, because they say tenant C is breaking every rule in the book and they are still there. They ask me when I am going to get rid of them.

"I have never seen a tenant be able to stay after yelling at a landlord." -Tenant B

"How many more rules are they aloud to break, I mean come on man." -Tenant B

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I find the last post to be confusing.

Who and how many are doing, saying what?

Tbh it sounds lake a vipers nest, I wold ditch the lot. How do you sleep comfortably?

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Sorry if it sounded confusing. I will try to explain it better.

Tenant A is a couple

Tenant B is a vietnam veteran who has some health issues, so for that reason we put a no smoking in the house clause into the house rules.

Tenant C is a couple

Here is what tenant(s) A and B are saying

Tenant(s) A and B want tenant C gone, because they say that tenant(s) C break the house rules set forth in the lease agreement that each tenant signed. Tenant(s) A says Tenant(s) C rushes them and tries to take over the house when I am not around. Tenant B says they don't respect any of the rules setforth. They both tell me that tenant(s) C are just down right rude and they have absolutely no manners or respect at all. They say that they have to put up with alot of unneccessary drama that they shouldn't have to deal with at all. They are constantly being woken up at night with slamming doors and random arguements between the couple of Tenant(s) C that happen often late at night when Tenant(s) C has been drinking. Tenant B recently said to me that Tenant C is smoking in the upstairs bathroom, which is something he cannot and will not tolerate. Tenant(s) A have also told me that tenant(s) C have said racial slurs to them, which is something they cannot just forget.

Here is what tenant(s) C have done

Tentant(s) C have directly accused tenant(s) A and B of breaking into their room to steal $200.00 from them, spraying raid bug spray inside of their tupperware, sabotaging them by making everything look like their fault. Tenant(s) C argues between themselves and they both drink alot. Tenant(s) C has also had a domestic violence issue between themselves on one occasion at the house that I know of. Finally tenant(s) C have argued with me on more than one occasion saying that I am wrong and its not right to kick them out just because someone says they are doing something wrong. I have thought about kicking them out many times before just because of their beligerence and problems that they cause my other tenants, but I always let them explain and give them the benefit of the doubt.

How do i sleep confortably?

I don't, trying to make the right choice is not easy in this situation given the fact that tenant(s) C claim they are doing nothing wrong to my other tenant(s). On the one hand I don't want to make the wrong choice, but if I don't kick out tenant(s) C I will lose two very good renters 1 couple and 1 individual and alot of money at the same time.

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It also means any advice given is without knowledge of your states legislation so irrelevant.

At least if you use an oozie one night your claim of self defence will be viewed as reasonable under the 2nd amendment. I could do with that here it would save much time and money in court.

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It also means any advice given is without knowledge of your states legislation so irrelevant.

At least if you use an oozie one night your claim of self defence will be viewed as reasonable under the 2nd amendment. I could do with that here it would save much time and money in court.

Not that you hold any grudges against your tenant's COR. :D

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Well !!

I've recently had a lump removed from my ass, from within the starfish. Knowing that many ex and even present T's want a piece of me I requested the surgeon retain what was removed. So they can have the piece of me they deserve :blink:

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