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Landlords vetting immigrant tenants...........


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In the recent Queen's speech it was mentioned that landlords would become responsible under legislation not to let property to immigrants without the correct visa status.

How many of you already check this sort of thing and what do you propose to do about it - if anything?

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When the detail is published the Landlord and LA will have no choice but to comply and it has already been stated that a substantial fine will happen if you rent to an illegal immigrant.

Apparently there will be a telephone "hotline" whereby a phone call will prove a tenants immigration status rather like an HPI check on a car for outstanding finance etc.before purchase.

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That's fairly easy to comply with,

No 'British' passport no tenancy.

I'm stuffed if I want to be checking for correct visa status and then having to confirm it's not a corrupt visa as the UK immigration inspectors do on a raid. I've enough responsibilities already thanks.

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My understanding is that employers are already required to carry out these checks.

I normally only let to professionals who are highly qualified or hold down professional positions but who are regularly from overseas. On that basis I don't currently get very excited.....I do require to see passports and visas are inside them. I make a note of the dates and check if the tenants have renewed when the time comes. As they are nearly always engneers or doctors etc employed by Ford Motor Co or the Local Health Authority I assume the employers have done a good job in vetting their visa requirements.

I won't be changing any of the way I currently operate unless legislation requires it.

I really don't know what all the fuss is about cos the checking takes a few minutes and.....I don't know about you but....I don't want an illegal immigrant with all the s**t that goes with it, in one of my properties.

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