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Budget - Thoughts


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Todays budget announced that the Government are going to underwrite 20% of a buyers deposit......so they must be under the impression that property prices are NOT going to fall significantly from there current levels.

That sounds like very good news for all of us.

1. Sales should pick up......good news for those wishing to sell.

2. Prices aren't expected to fall ......significantly.

3. Those wishing to sell who can offer to pay their buyers 5% deposit (something builders have been doing recently) are onto a virtual sales certainty..... provided they set the price realistically.

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I thought the budget was great news for many of us....

* Cheaper beer.....obviously top of the list.

* No duty increase in fuel.

* Increased personal tax allowances next year to go with the big increase we get in April this year.

* A boost to the housing market.

* etc etc

I'm a glass half full person instead of a glass half empty :)

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Good for you RL.........

Perhaps you have a better understanding of the mortgage deposit scheme as announced in the budget because not one government minister has been able to explain it or define it when questioned on the telly or radio.

You would thimk that a flagship budget announcement they would have worked out all the answer's to any questions.

As it happens Gideon Osborne and myself have exactly the same financial qualifications and experience to be a Chancellor and that is:


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I never try to understand the politics, I'm far to busy cashing cheques and spending the money

Now, I must go & find a 2nd home to buy seeing as the Gov have been so kind to offer yet another financial incentive. -_-

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Now, I must go & find a 2nd home to buy seeing as the Gov have been so kind to offer yet another financial incentive. -_-

Don't get too excited about a second home mortgage just yet RL because when this very subject was raised the Minister in Parliament yesterday said " Eer! Eer! Eer! ... we have not worked out the fine details of the proposals as yet"

Must dash I have got to drink 350 pints of Guinness to obtain my free pint now it's a penny cheaper to buy. :D

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