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what can I do?


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I've got a tennant not paying in full of on time, she's £400 in arrears at the minute and the boiler's bloke down. I'm not working myself and have got mortgage arrears. She won't answer the phone, only text. I've texted her this morning saying borrow some money to pay me so I can get a plumber or find somewhere else. She seems to think I have to fix it. Who's right? The boiler was playing up last month and I still haven't paid the plumber due to her not paying.

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The boiler breakdown is the landlord's responsibility to repair unless you have specific terms and conditions in your contract that it is the tenant's.

If you are not happy with your tenant then you must start the eviction proceedings as soon as possible. It can take 2 to 3 months to obtain repossession of your property depending on how willing your tenant is to leave.

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What would do you if it was your home and family without hot water heating etc? I guess you would come up with the cash somehow.

If your tenant reports the issue to the council you could have them on your back and they will put a cat 1 hazzard on the property.

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AS said you have a responsibility to keep the property to a habitable condition regardless of rent being paid or not. The only exception is if the T has caused the issue, even then a housing inspector may give you a notice and organise for repair that will then be at your greater expense.

Your T has the option to organise and pay for the repair and deduct it from your rent if you fail to carry out repairs when informed. Watch out for the T involving a housing inspector though, even then you should be given opportunity to carry out repairs by the inspector, but that might be with little warning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I got the boiler sorted. Still no rent though. She's been in nearly 3 months now, how do I go about selling the place? Have I got to wait for her to get out as it I can't sell it with her in there and I expect it to need some work done to whatever's ruined.

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If she is on benefits or even if you are not sure write to the housing benefit dept in your area and explain that your tenant is more that 2 months in arrears and under regulation 95 you require all further payments to be made to you and supply bank details.

Serve a section 8 on your tenant using ground 8,10 & 11. To serve post 2 copies, one by recorded and one with proof of postage, Also serve a section 21 using the same method..

There are plenty of companies out there who can serve the notices for you for a fee or you can do it yourself BUT DO IT CORRECTLY and ask on here for help if ness.

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