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They want a rolling contract after march is that good or bad ?

Please advise me


After their 12 month contract your tenant would only have to give you 1 months notice any way. You would have to give them 2 months notice. Nothing wrong with a rolling contract.

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"They want a rolling contract after march is that good or bad ?"

You can't force them to sign up to a contract if they don't wish to. I prefer a Statutory Periodic Tenancy (rolling contract) as it means I can repossess easier if need be.

In this case your T's requesting such hi lights the strong possibility that they have other plans for their short / medium term future, so at least you are fore warned and effectiviely have a style of notice.

My view in this situation is that although new T's are likely to be needed some time soonish you might as well enjoy the good T's for as long as.

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After their 12 month contract your tenant would only have to give you 1 months notice any way. You would have to give them 2 months notice. Nothing wrong with a rolling contract.

Thats the sort of response that causes me problems.

I've lost count of the number of my tenants who think they only have to give me 1 months notice. They are somewhat surprised when I remind them that they are actually required to provide 1 months notice ENDING ON A RENT DAY. That little bit of extra requirement often means they face a couple of stark choices 1) To stay on a month longer than they want to or 2) Get charged an extra months rent and get nothing for it.

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Thats the sort of response that causes me problems.

I've lost count of the number of my tenants who think they only have to give me 1 months notice. They are somewhat surprised when I remind them that they are actually required to provide 1 months notice ENDING ON A RENT DAY.

It's written into my contracts RL that the month's notice to quit is from the date of the last rent payment and ends on the last rent day and I assumed every other landlord would have the same conditions written into their AST.

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It's written into my contracts RL that the month's notice to quit is from the date of the last rent payment and ends on the last rent day and I assumed every other landlord would have the same conditions written into their AST.

I will wait till march and see what happens then to be honest

thanks for the advise

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It's written into my contracts RL that the month's notice to quit is from the date of the last rent payment and ends on the last rent day and I assumed every other landlord would have the same conditions written into their AST.

Thats a good idea but......

There are lots of legal requirements of landlords and tenants that are not included in contracts........I guess because we'd all end up with a 30 page document instead of just a few pages. The one I use is produced by the Law Society and its not included in that. Its my experience that many tenants never bother to read them anyway.

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Thats a good idea but......

There are lots of legal requirements of landlords and tenants that are not included in contracts........I guess because we'd all end up with a 30 page document instead of just a few pages. The one I use is produced by the Law Society and its not included in that. Its my experience that many tenants never bother to read them anyway.

Would it be better to get them tired up in a 1 year contract ?

Im not going to put up the rent ....

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Would it be better to get them tired up in a 1 year contract ?

Im not going to put up the rent ....

Only offer a 12 month conract if you are 100% satisfied with your tenant(s).

I only offer 12 month contracts that contain a 6 month break clause......I think 12 months is far to long a time to tolerate a poor tenant. Situations can change quickly.

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Only offer a 12 month conract if you are 100% satisfied with your tenant(s).

I only offer 12 month contracts that contain a 6 month break clause......I think 12 months is far to long a time to tolerate a poor tenant. Situations can change quickly.

He is a very good tenant ive mo problems at all in a year !!!!!!

We will see when contract is up ....

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Tenant has asked for a rolling or periodic contract for a reason - perhaps they are contemplating leaving the area who knows?

Tenants do have freedom of choice Westham.

Trying to force tenant into another year even with 6 month break may end up with them going soon as the fixed term is up in March.


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Tenant has asked for a rolling or periodic contract for a reason - perhaps they are contemplating leaving the area who knows?

Tenants do have freedom of choice Westham.

Trying to force tenant into another year even with 6 month break may end up with them going soon as the fixed term is up in March.


ta mate

I think he wants it for easy sake to be honest!!!!

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Re. Tenant's notice period I would not always insist on more than a month or terminating on a rent date for an otherwise good tenant, unless there's an issue. The last thing to do is to upset a tenant just when they're departing.

It might not be strict to contract but isn't it better to let a tenant go happily when they wish with an agreed terminating pro rata rent, so landlord can arrange the next tenancy as soon as possible?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there

Im new to this forum

I have a good person renting out my house

There 1 year is up in march and have to give me 2 mths notice at the mo

They want a rolling contract after march is that good or bad ?

Please advise me


Not really bad as they are still paying rent. It is bad as now you dont know when they are leaving.

If they give notice in a quiet period, you may not find another tenant for a few months..and you loose rent money.

Its better to have a fixed term contract.

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