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Government making private renting difficult

Guest tenants_from_hell

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Guest tenants_from_hell

Ok I put in new tenants in July who are on housing benefit/dss they have paid me the deposit and said they will give the first months rent within 2 weeks as its just a change of details. Its been 4 weeks now and I still have nothing. I spoke to the LHA and they said we dont pay landlords directly anymore we pay tenants and its their responsibility to pay the landlord. But as we know they dont pay and use the money because they like to not work and scrounge. Its pathetic.

The government encourages private landlords to take people in on benefits but its pathetic and wont work if they arent going to get the rent. LHA told me we only pay landlords directly when the rent is 8 weeks overdue, however I dont think they will pay the landlord because the tenant can make up a load of excuses such as they got kicked out from there, or they were treated badly and so on and it always goes in to the tenants favour.

This is the first time I have accepted housing benefit and will be the last !! The tenants want the deposit back and want to move out, but I think they might be trying to claim benefits for more than one property they occupy.

I dont think anyone has more bad experiences than me...

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I dont think anyone has more bad experiences than me...

Oh yes they have.....far worse than you are experiencing right now.

You need to write to the Government housing minister with your story. This is the only way you can convince this lack-lustre Coalition Government that their housing policy isn't working.

A DSS tenant can authorise the rental payments directly to a landlord rather than themselves prior to taking occupation. Perhaps you should have checked this out before proceeding with your current tenants?

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Guest tenants_from_hell

Oh yes they have.....far worse than you are experiencing right now.

You need to write to the Government housing minister with your story. This is the only way you can convince this lack-lustre Coalition Government that their housing policy isn't working.

A DSS tenant can authorise the rental payments directly to a landlord rather than themselves prior to taking occupation. Perhaps you should have checked this out before proceeding with your current tenants?

No they will only pay landlord directly when the LHA are given grounds by the tenant they are "unfit" to pay the landlord i.e. mental issues, gambling addiction, alcoholic - basically anything to show they will just blow the money on themselves than pay rent.

This aint my only issue I had many issues over the past 5 years...

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I dont think anyone has more bad experiences than me...

Oh Dear ...you probably have not read much on the Landlord forums then ...otherwise you would see many people have had much , much worse problems with DSS tenants...

A council DO pay the landlord directly under these circumstances

If a tenant request is at the begining of their tenancy as a safeguard

If a tenant is 8 or more weeks in arrears the council will pay you directly (although they will not pay the arrears already accrued)

and for the reasons you have also listed....

If they want to leave I would let them (you can hardly stop them anyway ) and concentrate on getting new tenants .

You have the right to keep their depsoit to cover some/all the arrears ...

Otherwise your option is to let them stay , serve notice at the appropriate time ...in the hope they leave , when they dont getting a court date just before christmas will be a problem, and all the time they are paying you no rent ....cut your losses now and accept their notice and get proper tenants .

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The council will also pay the landlord direct before the 8 weeks in arrears/owing mark if it means the tenant wont be evicted but you have to speak the the council and it is discretionary.

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"If a tenant request is at the begining of their tenancy as a safeguard"

That's where my DSS tenant is. If you get the tenant to sign before occupation than it surely must alleviate many of the non paying problems tou read on here from non paying DSS tenants who believe that the property they live in has a lower priority over other financial commitments?

I would only ever take a DSS tenant on knowing that I was in control of the rental money because dealing with Councils over non payment is a nightmare due to stupid illogical legistlation from this Governmant and past Governments.

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