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English council to license all private landlords


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This extract below sums it all up for me. Sure there are bad landlords out there that need to be sorted out so use ALL the legislation available right now to deal with it.

This is no more than another Labour controlled Council trying to raise revenue off the the backs of an easy target.....landlord's! It's tax deductable I hope? :D

"Kay Boycott failed to mention that Newham already has around 70 pieces of legislation it could use to tackle ‘rogue landlords’. Neither the council nor Shelter offered any explanation as to why they are not already using existing legislation to tackle the perceived problem".

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I think Newham Council are a special case, they have a history and I don't believe its a general sign of things to come.

My local paper carried an article just a week or two ago saying that Southend Council had been looking into the feasibility of landlord registration in their area but after some months of detailed investigation had decided not to proceed. Apparantly some tenants were very unhappy with that decision.

Perhaps its a value judgement dependant on the level of landlord problems a council experiences in their particular area.

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It's been implemented in Scotland for a few years now and what has it achieved? More taxation. What have landlords got out of it? Nothing of any use that I can see. Apart from being £50,000 lighter and gaining a criminal record if you are not registered.

It would not surprise me in the slightest if English landlords have it steam rollered all over them. Why not? It's money for old rope as far as local councils are concerened and you can't do a thing about it except to cough up or get out of the game.

Democracy my Khyber!

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Simply another tax. I hope Newham council and shelter won't mind doing the explaining to tenants that the rents going up to cover this extra unneccesary expense to already struggling businesses.

What a crap sentence that was, but you get the drift.

Is the above poster simply using this forum to create links to their website?


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The start of things to come???

Kay Boycott failed to mention that Newham

already has around 70 pieces of legislation it could use to tackle ‘rogue

landlords’. Neither the council nor Shelter offered any explanation as to why

they are not already using existing legislation to tackle the perceived


Seems to me this is a nice little earner - for this council that is.

As is so often in these case's the net cost of implementing such a scheme will inevitably trickle down to the taxpayer via landlords expense tax claims.....

Still Newnhan Council will not bother where the money eventually comes from. Perhaps Mr Osborne should "balance the books" by making a pro rata deduction to such councils future government annual grant?

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