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Letting agent liable???


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could anyone please advise as to whether I have a reasonable grievance against my letting agent. Here are circs:

- I have been paying agents 10% for last year

- during this period they have sent tradesmen around 15 times to fix an immersion heater. They have then deducted the trade bills at source, sending me a cheque for what's left

- i was recently contacted directly by tenants who said that the immersion hadn't ever worked and they were going to contact environmental health !!

- within 24hrs i sent a competent heating engineer around - at more expense - who fixed the problem. He was also bemused as to why it hadn't been fixed because it was a very simple problem. He also stated that unneccessary work had been done and,even worse, dangerous work

I expressed my displeasure to the agent who say it's my problem and i will have to negotiate a refund from the trades who have charged for failing to fix the problem.

Is it up to me or should the agent sort this out? What can I do?


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I have some experience on how to handle this sort of problem /matter.......

Your Letting Agent is liable as the tradesman is acting on a sub-contract basis for the LA although of course the tradesman must accept responsibility for the actual standard of work they carry out.

The LA must ensure that the Tradesman they are using on your behalf are also competent and qualified.

The LA cannot pass the problem back to you no matter what they might tell you and if it transpires that the LA is taking a commission fee from the work carried out then they do have a duty to refund you for incompetent or unecessary work being carried out.


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I agree, what the agent is saying is a cop-out.

I would put the agent on the spot visit them and demand to see a copy of the trademan insurance. They have a duty of care to make sure all trademan they use hold the correct level of insurance. Data protection shouldnt apply but I bet they will use it as areason not to show you.

Also you need copies of all invoices you have paid for.

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