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Does anyone know of a utility company that recognises that some of us are landlords/ladies? I manage 4 properties and, between tenants, the utilities revert to me. I have endless problems when I phone them to explain that - no I am not moving from my house etc. Equally, when a new tenant comes in, I have had little success in getting them to send the final bill to me home address rather than to the property. If the tenant does not forward the bill to me, then it can get quite ugly.

I have had no success with many of the energy companies - EDF, BG etc. Strangely, the Council are very good at it and put the property onto my account (zero to pay for 6 months) and then back to the tenant with no problems.

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Between tenancies the only person left for responsibility is the owner.

I call them and set up an account in the name of A Smith and prefer correspondence to go to the property.

Over the years I've had problems with these disorganisations chasing me for others debt, endless calls and threats without justification. Now I endeavour to keep all that to a minimum (spam included). I instruct T's not to pass my details on, if they feel they need / really want the details them let 'em g to the Registry.

It's good to let the utilities know of final / first readings but sometimes I might leave that till the new T's are in.

T's are told to pass the final bills to me, I sort 'em.

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This is a very real and time consuming activity. I lose many hours EVERY week trying to sort out accs.

I have learnt that T tend to be extremely unreliable in both openong AND closing accs -so i make calls on every T change (in & out) to gas lecky water & CT with opening and closing reads. I use my office as the contact address NOT the prop as T generally are not very good as passing mail.

I ALWAYS request a "zero standing charge tarriff" when bill goes into my name on void periods to avoid paying out unnecessary cash.

I also ALWAYS make a note of date, time, call center assistants name, ext no and request a ref no. EVERY time i speak to them - this i itself has saved meny further hours of wasted time & effort when they say " sorry we have no record of your claims ! "

...and the good news is ....."we may record this telphone conversation for training & other purposes" great NO FXXXXXXX excuses then !!!!!!!

Worst experience (regularly) by a long mile - British Gas - Txxxxxs

FWIW SWALEC have the best (do not let me mislead you into thinking that 'best' actually means 'good'!) customer service i have foundin my LL ing experience! :):)


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I was going to post earlier but got sidetracked....... Rodent has beat me to it and said everything I would have said..

It is time consuming......the worst in my opinion is taking water meter readings, when the meter is in the pavement some way from the property and its raining.

But, generally I haven't had any issues with any utilities in the last 10 years.

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I have every move in and out logged with date I called particular utility company, every bill filed by property in lever arch files marked "gas", "elec" etc, never ring up the company without the right one in my hand. and still I waste hours sorting out completely simple things sometimes. However, (crossing fingers very hard) I do think they are getting slightly better... well perhaps British Gas is a lost cause but others are very marginally improving.

concur with one of the other posters, Swalec definitely the best and I made a concerted effort to change all my properties over to them a few years ago. Now tho, some calls to Swalec are answered by Scottish Electric or some such, let's hope it doesn't all even in tears......

and if they could only ban the phrase "is there anything else I can help you with today" at the end of every call that would also improve things no end....

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Very many thanks to all of you. I really appreciate all the good advice given. It doesn't look as though there is a simple solution but clearly logging every call is important. It really ought to be a business opportunity for an utility company to set up a facility for landlords. Many thanks again.

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I think that Rodents's MO is really good and great advice.

Do you guys insist on the T remaining with a particular company or are you willing to let them chop and change to suit?


Commercial Management & Property Consultant,

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I encourage all my tenants to change utility supplier to suit themselves. My only request is that they let me know their current supplier(s) before they move out.

I seem to remember that if the tenant has a 12 month tenancy agreement the landlord must allow the tenant to change supplier if they wish......perhaps someone else can confirm ?

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A tenant has the right to have a water meter(without landlords permission) fitted if they have a 12 month tenancy but I dont know about electricity/gas supplier. I guess if you dont want the tenant to change supplier put a clause in the contract. I cant imagine there is anything in statute law that would overide that but I could be wrong.

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