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Tennants Leaving Early


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Hi all,

Sorry if this topic has already been covered (which I am sure it will have)

I currently rent out a property and have just discovered the tennants have moved out without paying 3 months rent, utilities and council tax.

What are the best step for me to take to re-cover these costs and is there anything else I should be aware of.

They did sign an agreement via our letting agent for 6 months, although all other aspects are managed my me -ie- problems with property etc

Any advice would be great.

Thanks - Cotter

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A fairly standard term in an AST is that the T's are responsible for utility bills.

Sometimes utilities will require sight to accept you aren't responsible, this assumes that the accounts were transferred into the T's name /s.

I assume the 'protected' deposit is available to claim some of the losses of rent. However losses of rent will be a little more complex than just assuming you may claim the remaining 3 months.

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I am assuming that they owed you 3 months rent if they they had stayed the full contract of 6 months rather than they have not paid you any rent for 3 months?

You will have great difficulty in trying to get money from them to pay to the end of contract outstanding rent payments especially if they have no money to pay you.......hardly worth the effort and cost and stress to you going through the legal route. Very few people get their money even if they win their case in court.

You may be able to claim from the deposit for loss of rent which is something.

As Cor has mentioned..... on your AST it should state who has liability for utility and council tax payments and provided you have this signed up by your tenants then you have no liability for their non payments for sevices provided.


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Hi Cotter, the best thing you can do is sack the letting agent, who obviuosly let the rent arrears carry on for three months, which area of the country are you in?. secoundly the only option you have is to put it into the hands of a debt collection agency, as pursing this yourself is timely and and costly, and may never result anything, if you need a good debt collection agency I can recomend mine, please let me know, its no gaureentee that even they will recover your debt, but at least they will do the leg work and you can continue with your life and they will also cause some discomfort to your devbtors. Regards pds_64

Hi all,

Sorry if this topic has already been covered (which I am sure it will have)

I currently rent out a property and have just discovered the tennants have moved out without paying 3 months rent, utilities and council tax.

What are the best step for me to take to re-cover these costs and is there anything else I should be aware of.

They did sign an agreement via our letting agent for 6 months, although all other aspects are managed my me -ie- problems with property etc

Any advice would be great.

Thanks - Cotter

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