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Ban on Evictions Extended


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One for COR which will make him cough into his glass of Guinness  😅

Welsh landlords will need to give tenants six months’ notice if pursing a ‘no fault’ (aka Section 21) eviction.

The new rules are a result of the Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill and will come into force in early 2022. They make permanent the initially temporary changes introduced in July 2020 to help tenants facing the thread of eviction during the pandemic.

In addition, these eviction notices will not be allowed to be served until the tenants have lived in the property for six months. This means the de facto minimum tenancy length for tenants in Wales will become 12 months (six plus six).

Changes in England are also planned, but are not expected to be introduced to Parliament until the pandemic is over.

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Some of the devolved Welsh Gov' decisions leave an awful lot to be desired. They are absolutely going to kill the private rented sector in Wales. Last week they were trying to stop anyone outside Wales buying property in the area.

This is actually great news for COR......ultimately he is going to have more potential tenants and less competition.   😁 Seems like an opportunity for a rent increase.......thanks to Mark Drakeford

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The Welsh council of clowns are so well organised even the people living in Wales are having trouble finding out where they stand with covid restrictions.

The web site bounces you from link to link and when you think you've landed on relevant info it is only relevant to last year.

As far as hoofing T's, I came to the conclusion that none of us are in a position to do it. 'Leave them alone' policies that are continually extended are just the 1st hurdle.

Waiting for a court date is long winded. Then will a T claim to be at high risk and defer?

We need to understand what financial impact covid may have had on a T. Pretty easy for a defendant to make something up there I would have thought, so case to the bin.

By the time we get anywhere with our repossession hopes the out of pocket effect will be scary.

In truth, so far and with fingers crossed touching wood, I've not lost a great amount due to covid. Bur one has totally stopped paying his top up (that came vis g'tor anyway). Another ran up significant arrears but is now paying enough to greatly reduce them growing. He now wants info from me to support a gov't loan application to address rent arrears, but he said that in august last as well.

To tie in with t'other thread. I feel an ongoing threat to LL's, and Wales are well ahead in this. Early next year I need to redeem 4 mortgages relevant to Welsh properties, selling our home for its equity is one way. But I question the intelligence in putting my money into Wales when I could stash the cash and design to appear in court with mt pockets. Not only due to covid but the future is far from reliable, the Welsh council can't be trusted for an intelligent design of the Welsh economy.

As soon as I can get to it the Yacht goes, as I believe investors in anything to do  with Welsh leisure will be hit in the attempt at covid economic recovery. The English are prime targets there.

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On 2/27/2021 at 2:58 AM, Richlist said:

Some of the devolved Welsh Gov' decisions leave an awful lot to be desired. They are absolutely going to kill the private rented sector in Wales. Last week they were trying to stop anyone outside Wales buying property in the area.

This is actually great news for COR......ultimately he is going to have more potential tenants and less competition.   😁 Seems like an opportunity for a rent increase.......thanks to Mark Drakeford

I'm all for a rent increase the problem is if they ain't got the money waste of time trying to increase the rent

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