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Electric Vehicle Charging Points


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Has anyone installed an electric vehicle charging point in any of their rental properties ?

If so, could you share some of your experiences please e.g. cost, ease of installation, demand from tenants, any potential rental premium being charged, increased capital values, lettings agents interest etc.

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No I haven't installed any or been asked for any however I did spend an entertaining 45 mins in M & S coffee shop watching people trying to charge cars at my nearest shopping mall.  Each make of car seems to have attachments to make charging work - setting the whole thing up seems such a palava.

I had been thinking of getting the Mitsubishi PHEV but all this has put me off plus the crap MPG compared with my Audi.

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Yes there are lots of issues around electric vehicles that need addressing. I'm sure we can all think of other technology that went thru the same process of standardisation before it grew into just a normal thing. But it will all get sorted in the next few years.

Electric vehicles are the future. Sales are growing, technology is progressing and at some point landlords might want to provide facilities.

I like to plan ahead and may install a charging point on one property if it's cost effective.

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Mortitia, that is correct and the reason why a dedicated charging point is needed as opposed to an extension lead just plugged into the house supply.

A separate circuit needs to be installed. I'm not an expert but a minimum of 15 amps is required I believe. A normal house supply would not be able to cope.

If everyone decided to run electric cars the notional grid wouldn't be able to cope with demand.

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