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You Don't See This Very Often.


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In fact I can say I have never seen a proposal like this in all my years of property dealing / landlording.  I would imagine there would be some pitfalls to avoid by offering something like this.



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That's wonderfull.

It would be good if more people were to do this. Amongst all the rubbish, con artists, scroungers and wasters are genuine needy people who could do with the help. Homelessness is a real problem.

You do hear of this sort of generosity from time to time. It reminds me of the beginning of the year when two premier league footballers who were in the process of developing an inner city building and whilst delayed by builders or planning issues, allowed the local homeless to use the building for a few months.

This sort of thing should be rewarded......it makes me feel as though I'm not doing enough.

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Trouble is if you let someone in on a non paying situation they have a contract that cannot easily be ended.

I do appreciate the landlord's sentiment but those described by Richlist will be hard to set aside to get to a genuine case.  Even then what happens when the genuine case lets others live there as could happen?

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9 hours ago, Mortitia said:

Trouble is if you let someone in on a non paying situation they have a contract that cannot easily be ended.

I do appreciate the landlord's sentiment but those described by Richlist will be hard to set aside to get to a genuine case.  Even then what happens when the genuine case lets others live there as could happen?

I cant see there being a contract in place if no money (consideration) is changing hands.

The 3 elements of a contract in english law are:

Offer, acceptance and consideration and all three need to be in place.

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