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The weird and wonderful world of Airbnb


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Following on from a post by Kerbut on holiday letting problems I decided to register and offer a property on Airbnb (google it if unfamiliar).

Did this Thursday night about 9.30pm and got my first booking within 6 minutes for this weekend!  A second booking was not far behind - good job I am dab hand at mobile phone, tablet and just about any other form of communication.  Taken another 2 bookings for weekends coming up.  Airbnb expect you to respond within the hour - managed that so far though one US booker kept contacting me every 3 minutes until I responded to her - I declined her request for one week.  I also declined a single male as he had no 'verification' and would not put up a pic of himself. (He might be Lord Janner.)

My first 'guests' were Germans working in London  and in for 1 night on way to explore the Jurassic Coast.  I have had a key box installed so never actually met them but they left the place immaculate. Quick change of bedding and towels, swish round the bathroom and onto the next.  (I won't need to go the gym with all this bed changing mullarkey and I have worked out that I need to keep one fresh set of bedding/towels in the car at all times as I am registered for 'instant booking'.

Current guests have come for a games tournament - I went and met them with key - lovely people.

The guests pay before arriving but I don't see the ££s until 7 days later allegedly.  I supplied Airbnb with bank details and they said they would do a trial credit with 3 cents - that won't register in sterling I shouldn't think but they obviously do pay up as there are many properties registered in and around my area all with happy owners.

I'm hooked!



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Always nice to have something good to say about your experience with a company.

Watch out for the refugees (or should that be economic migrants) arriving by boat from France Mortitia as it was reported yesterday they are being dropped off in your location. 

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Don't worry Mel - we've been getting them here for years. Just getting off the Cherbourg-Poole ferry once we got asked to show what was under our coats in back of the 4x4 - the seats and nowt else. As if I'd bring an illegal in!  

Agree Richlist - Dave is messing up big time over this.

On Saturday we went to a Bournemouth hotel for lunch - there was a Jock wedding on in full flow - all the staff were Poles and Latvians, smart, keen, hard workers - I don't have a problem with that but every now and then the cheapo area where I work is inundated with Romanians and Africans (the women are nearly always heavily pregnant) - they seem to be here a couple of days then disappear - on their way home hopefully!  The Romanian gypsy men all hang out around the churches wearing black leather bomber jackets - it's like a uniform.  They are economic migrants.

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We are very pleased so far with the holiday letting ,we have another 2 weeks in September booked and 1 week in October also , we have 2 provisional bookings for next year and 1 firm booking for next July . As this was only on the agents web site as we started after their catalogue was published we are pleased with 16 weeks we have had so far this year.

    My wife went to the council office a couple of weeks ago to pay the rates and mentioned we no longer live in the property and they asked who lives there now to which my wife replied its holiday lets , apparently as its a holiday let rates in our area are not charged if we can prove its been let a certain amount of weeks to promote local tourism,it might be worth you enquiring Mortitia as I know you are not that far from me .

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Following on from a post by Kerbut on holiday letting problems I decided to register and offer a property on Airbnb (google it if unfamiliar).

Did this Thursday night about 9.30pm and got my first booking within 6 minutes for this weekend!  A second booking was not far behind - good job I am dab hand at mobile phone, tablet and just about any other form of communication.  Taken another 2 bookings for weekends coming up.  Airbnb expect you to respond within the hour - managed that so far though one US booker kept contacting me every 3 minutes until I responded to her - I declined her request for one week.  I also declined a single male as he had no 'verification' and would not put up a pic of himself. (He might be Lord Janner.)

My first 'guests' were Germans working in London  and in for 1 night on way to explore the Jurassic Coast.  I have had a key box installed so never actually met them but they left the place immaculate. Quick change of bedding and towels, swish round the bathroom and onto the next.  (I won't need to go the gym with all this bed changing mullarkey and I have worked out that I need to keep one fresh set of bedding/towels in the car at all times as I am registered for 'instant booking'.

Current guests have come for a games tournament - I went and met them with key - lovely people.

The guests pay before arriving but I don't see the ££s until 7 days later allegedly.  I supplied Airbnb with bank details and they said they would do a trial credit with 3 cents - that won't register in sterling I shouldn't think but they obviously do pay up as there are many properties registered in and around my area all with happy owners.

I'm hooked!



The sharing economy is a wonderful thing. 

I have had great experiences using Airbnb. It opens up tremendous possibilities in property. I just hope that the regulatory bodies understand that technology is the only thing historically that has liberated 

There are always downsides to all of these new innovative and exciting creations. But the good outweighs the bad. Uber and the like are reinvigorating sociaety for the better.

Airbnb recently opened CUBA up to the american people for the first time. overnight they had countless bookings an have helped many Cubans by offering a new source of income. 

Bravo and more to the love

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