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Electioneering & Tenants


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I've decided to write to all of my tenants telling / warning them what is likely to happen to their rents if Labour win the General Election i.e....rents are likely to RISE.

Don't leave the election result to chance....if you can help yourself, do it.


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Well voting for any party is usually a compromise. Usually nobody agrees with everything a single party does.

If your tenants want to guarantee having a significant rent rise they should vote Labour, if they don't then they have a number of alternatives.....the choice is theirs.

I'm merely suggesting you point out the facts to them.

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Well I have said previously that they won't see my vote.

What Labour run councils have done with the like of selective licencing just demonstrates their desire to take from those they perceive as having dosh with no perceived benefit I can see.

I view that another coalition as we have had for 5 years is possibly the best result, I wouldn't trust Tories without some moderating influence. But as I want a true referendum on Europe I'll likely give my vote to UKIP in hope they may get enough strength to push for it. I wouldn't trust them with real power though as it looks like they're attracting too many extremists and nut jobs.

If the masses with a fair referendum prefer to stay in Europe then no problem, after all we do have a democracy pretend democracy.

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It is enough that the people know there was an election ( all of us in 2015). The people who cast their votes decide nothing.

The people who count the votes decide everything.

Joseph Stalin (1879-1953) Soviet Union.

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"In the UK you think you have a democracy and are unhappy with it.

In Russia we know we don't have a democracy and are happy with it."

Vadim Gustov 2013, while visiting UK.

It made me smile anyway as I couldn't disagree.

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