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So depressing


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Why can't the media stop presenting buy to let as either 'monster landlords exploiting the vulnerable' or the 'the easy route to becoming a millionaire'.

This article is in the vein of the latter and is deeply depressing: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/investing/buy-to-let/11371820/Will-income-from-a-750k-buy-to-let-empire-pay-for-our-three-babies.html

Not only do the couple appear to be so naïve, just assuming a buy to let portfolio is something you just leave to itself to make you a steady income, but the financial 'advisor' Mr Tan is supporting the myth that you simple get a buy to let, rent it out, deduct your mortgage and pay yourself the difference!

On a slightly different note, it's also interesting that the couple want to downsize and then have three kids!

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Yes I agree.

I have theory about BTL articles in the press, it goes like this.

Newspapers have to fill the pages with something to read. There has to be some variety and it has to be interesting. I believe that newspaper editors have a number of subjects that they can get their journalists to quickly write a story on any day of the week. But To Let is one of those subjects along with immigration, the economy, education, health services, UKIP, windfarms, the weather & the Scottish nationalists etc. There doesn't actually have to be any news, they could just drum up a story that's entertaining and if it isn't then it can always be 'enhanced'....who would know?

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One of the biggest problem for investor's such as shown in this Telegraph arcticle is the interest rate rise which will happen at some point in time.

The article does not give a good reflection on how to go about it and for me it is just another " London dinner table talk" on property and these people wouldn't last five minutes in this business.

Going for 3 babies? Sums it up really for me, they have no idea of the cost and time in raising a family.

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Wot a load of twoddle in that article - agree papers are filling pages with more and more really stupid stories that do not stand up to scrutiny.

Did anyone see the 'middle class couple homeless and living at LHR terminal 2' article in Saturday's mail? Another load of rubbish that does not add up - so glad I do not buy papers but just browse others!

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An issue I have with this rubbish is that many take it on as fact.

It sets us up as evil in the eyes of many a T who are always looking for some one to blame for their difficulties.

Then look at how we are viewed when we need claim from the DPS or in the County Court. We start by having to over come the attitudes against us.

It's enough to put me off my caviar.

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I agree...as a rule I don't read newspapers when I'm on my yacht.

One thing I like about being abroad in a non English language resort is that if you avoid English newspapers then its very easy to avoid bad news entirely......makes it much more relaxing.

Its not all easy being a landlord....its been a little to warm today at over 30 deg.

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The answer is not to read the stories. I have a policy of not buying newspaper's but only reading online for any news I may wish to read.

I concentrate on my Tenant's. They know I am a good landlord which is why they stay with me. That does it for me and stuff all the moaner's and whinger's with their long faces in the daily paper's.

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