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Damage found after tenant had moved ouy


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Hi, our first tenant has moved out and we've already deducted some of the bond for damage and returned the rest to her. However, we've just been giving the house a deep clean and we've found fag burns and hair straightener burns in the bedroom carpet. I didn't notice them in my initial inspection but the house was still furnished. We stipulated no smoking in the contract. Basically, I think the tenant should pay for a new carpet as she's damaged it but I've returned the remaining bond. How do I get the money for her? It'll only be about £200 for a basic carpet.

Thanks in advance

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* Are you in England ?

* Was the deposit protected ?

* Was there check in & check out inventory ?

Even if you had noticed it before returning the deposit its unlikely that your claim for a replacement carpet would have been successful. If the carpet had a life expectancy of 6 years and it was already 3 years old you would only have been able to claim 50% of the costs.

I also think that an expectation that there will be no smoking in the property because you have 'stipulated' it in the contract is unrealistic, unenforceable and if tested in court likely to fail. Damage can be caused by visitors, I know the tenant is ultimately responsible but, apart from them never letting visitors out of sight it is impossible to police 100%. IMHO the safest way is to pick your tenants very, very carefully and learn to be a really good judge of character.

Good fun being a landlord ain't it ?????

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Definitely in England RL as the term "Fag" has a whole new meaning in the States. :D

It is extremely unlikely that you can claim after the event. You would never get a new carpet anyway even if you were successful in your claim only a percentage cost value of replacing would you receive as damages.

Treat it as steep learning curve and move on.

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I didn't notice them in my initial inspection but the house was still furnished.

When I let an unfurnished property I make a point of never do the check out inventory until the tenants furniture & effects have been removed. Perhaps you should consider doing the same on future check outs.

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