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Advice for a landlord event


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Hi Everyone,

Can you help please?

I work for an Estate Agency and every year we organise free events at our branches where we discuss topics such as Tax, one of our most popular event to date, or How to maximise your buy to let investment or Managing your property effectively.

Today, I’d like to find out landlords or vendors what you’d be interested in learning about? Eg: where to invest, legal ownership issues, Inheritance, managing tenants etc

Your suggestions would be most appreciated.

Thanks for your help


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We've attended a couple of conference's before and find the biggest problem is that the subject is so large that about 50% of the topics covered don't apply to us, i.e. we don't do HMOs, we don't do DSS lets, student lets etc. For us to make the best use of our time we would like to see subjects that are of interest to small businesses like ourselves.

Subjects are many and various but a focused view on different types of landlord may be useful.


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I'm far to busy making money to attend one of your seminars.

I'd send one of my people along but I don't have any......it keeps my costs down.

All the people I usually deal with seem to know what they are doing.......so no advantage there.

Most 'need to know' stuff is already available in books.

The web keeps me informed on new legislation & tax changes.

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