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Mr L.Andlord, are you aware that by 2016 you and every other landlord in this country is not going to be able to deny any reasonable request from your tenants to make your properties more energy efficient, and your property is going to have to meet a certain level of energy efficiency before you even let it out. That's a scary thought isn't it?"

"Yes !"

"You've had double glazing, you've insulated the loft, what's left? The walls... Now Sir, we have a limited amount of allocations under the Green Deal Home improvement Fund, that will contribute £6000 towards the cost of any works we will carry out for you, and it gets better, there's also £1500 in tax deductions available too from the Landlords Energy Saving Allowance. These are going quick, and It'd be a crying shame for you to miss them. Forgive the expression but good Lord, we're giving you this! It's not a bad deal is it?"

"That's a very good deal"

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The minimum ratings are quite low.....so the vast majority of properties will already meet the requirements.

I object to this kind of scare mongering that implies we are all going to have to spend a pile of money to comply.

These sorts of posts should not be allowed.

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The first domestic energy efficiency regulations must come into force no later than 1 April 2018 and

the regulations for that time actually doesn't prohibit the letting of a property which falls below a certain EPC rating.

It does require that if the property is below a certain requirement then the landlord may not let the property until he has made XYZ relevant energy efficiency improvements as are provided for by the regulations.

If no improvements are possible under the regulations then, it would be lawful to let the property despite it being below the threshold.


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Try getting energy efficiency on a G2 building. Listings officer won't even allow basic energy efficiency like double glazing or roof insulation in a certain part of the roof space due to bloody bats............and you have to provide a heating source for them.

Yes, rules and regulations. Jeez! there must be a million landlord's in the country already who don't even adhere to the basic landlording laws in place right now so I doubt if a few more energy efficiency rules coming into force in 4 years time will make any difference to them.

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More EEC bunkum I suspect. Can't imagine that anyone willl have the money and resources to police this.

I must be one of the few landlords who enjoys insulating. I've done nearly all my timber framed Barratt houses now withTLX on the insides of exterior walls, board and skim or 50mm insulated plasterboard and re-skim. Also use upvc cappit board all around the window reveals gets rid of condensation by stopping cold air coming up the cavities, looks great and never needs painting.

Makes em easy to let and the bills lower.

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