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"Make absconding tenants(leaving debts including rent) a criminal offence" Petition wording for the search engine.

We've had the unfortunate experience of having a tenant abscond owing three months rent and outstanding monies for neglect damage to our property in s Wales.

The police are not interested in helping even though this person has done the same to other landlords leaving a trail of debt behind her. This should be a criminal not a civil matter. Once is too much in my opinion, a regular behaviour pattern of this nature is tantamount to fraud.

Currently living somewhere in the CARDIFF area, this Irish woman is on LinkedIn and Facebook.

If you are a landlord in s wales and CARDIFF area and want to know who she is please leave a message and I'll get in touch. Anyone who know where she is currently, please leave a message.

My apologies for the negative nature of this message. But if someone is enjoying over £2k at our expense I think it's worth it.


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Good Luck !

Somehow I very much doubt the laws would be changed no matter what you do to try to change them.

Governments of all colours are just not interested and if anything, they produce laws which make it much more difficult for the landlord to run their business and in your case think yourself fortunate, if that is the word to use, that you didn't have to spend thousands ££'s in a Court of Law to evict her.

Always worth putting bad tenants on here. It's free !


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Thanks for that. I'm new to this so any advice is worthwhile.

The issue will become law ( my pm advises) if there's enough signatures to the petition. If you haven't already done so, please sign. It would benefit us all.



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There are reasons I believe that bad T's will never be held to account as you hope. It's a little like those that are criminals and found guilty of an offence. Our society pretty well ignores the abused and concentrates on the potential rehabilitation of the 'bad' individual. They must always be left with some hope or they might as well be truly bad.

These bad T's more often have little to lose, little that could be taken from them. So the system prefers to let them get away with whatever and those perceived to be more capable, us, pay for the 'mistakes'.

Now imagine these individuals do become criminals, with fines they can't afford, with prison time that the state now has to pay for. Not likely is it?

The way it works, aside from debts to the state of course, is that if we are stupid enough to allow them credit then we can afford to lose the outstanding amount.

When I've a little more time I'll have a good look at that site Mel. I reckon I can contribute substantially if it is good.

Edit: Just seen your suggestion Gramps, same applies.

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My Son is chasing a £3000 debt for work carried out & goods supplied. Little old Lady who happens to own at least 3 properties including a guest house and drives a BMW and has her own house in a very up market location.

No matter how many letters or emails or personal visits this person refuses to pay and it turns out on investigation that said person has run up a string of debts with all sorts of suppliers and has a history of not paying for goods supplied or work carried out.

Now in the hands of of a very good debt collection agency which has cost another £180 to start the proceedings and so far nothing has happened by way of payment and is currently proceeding step by step to try and recoup the money.

Chances of success? who knows? Son is happy to go down the legal route for as long as it takes but in the event of no success she will have her own living nightmare coming her way.

I believe the last option is to place a legal debt charge through the courts on her property but I am not sure about that one.

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The small claim court isnt a large cost and if it isnt defended you get judgement by default so I would say that is the next step.

Once you have judgement then you can apply for a charge against their property.

I have been using a debt collector who doesnt charge a up front fee and only charges on what he collects which speaks for its self. He has managed to collect on the 3 debts I have given him so far but he does charge 20% of what he collects.

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Can't moan about this (or any) type of abuse if I'm not prepared to do something about it. At least I will have tried and failed (possibly) rather than not tried at all.

The reason I've looked at the euro arrest warrant is that in my case, the woman is from Ireland. I'm sure much the same can happen by any nationality though.

This woman is committing fraud by moving from place to place leaving a trail of debt. The police are not interested because there's a disjointed record and individual complaints are to be treated as civil cases. Taken together, it's a fraudulent pattern.

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