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way to energy saviings

Guest aabc4lock

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Wear warm clothing. keep doors closed and Insulate as much as you can (but ensure sufficient ventilation). Close heavy curtains over windows. Turn off any power devices you don't need. Turn any control thermostats down. Don't fill kettles with more than needed. etc. etc.

If you are in a sunny spot - allow sunshine to penetrate south facing windows to heat things inside the house (solar gain).

Try filling black bags with packing material and heat them in the sun to make a simple heat storage device.

Look at www.energysavingtrust.org.uk This is a UK site, but principles would be similar anywhere.

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1. Perhaps you could retire & move somewhere sunny......the Canary Islands are always nice this time of the year. You could say, let your place out and spend your spare time on the beach in the sun.

2. Lots of people in the UK move to Spain for a couple of months in the winter to save on fuel bills whilst still collecting their winter fuel allowance. If you find it to cold during the winter you could do the same or just move further south.

3. I still reckon the best way to stay warm in the winter is in a good office job.....regular heating & often air conditioning thrown in, comfortable surroundings, subsidised canteen, good company and on top of all those fringe benefits.....they pay you. So, if you don't have a job.....get one.

4. The fall back position is.....if you don't have a job to go to, are to young to retire or move somewhere warmer then.....ensure you have a good supply of friends and family who have warm houses you can visit. Best way of keeping warm is to get someone else to pay I say.

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Buy a pair of thermal "Long Johns." :D

Talking to my Cousins in Canada this week it was a balmy -20.... and people think we have problems with the cold.

Having just returned from Tenerife RL it was not that good with storms and heavy rain last week but generally it is warmer than the UK of course.

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Well I'm just off to Teneriffe - I'll be thinking of you all in your long johns!

Merry Christmas to all! :)

Merry Christmas to you to Mortitiia.

Last week in Tenerife we had the worst Atlantic storms in 18 years !! I have to say it was fairly horrendous with flash flooding off the scale and winds of 40 to 50 mph.

I was in Costa Adeje..... 5 star of course :D but no Sunseeker boat which was just as well really.

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I am going to same place Mel - but have experienced typhoons in the S. China seas on a tanker so not phased by 2 stormy days in the Atlantic. It's away from the madness of Christmas in the UK.

Just getting ready for the London boat show 2014 - saw 1st exhibition Sunseeker off this morning from Poole - by road, wrapped in a giant compressed air bag.

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My response to OP was a serious one.

Obviously moving to a warmer climate is an option to save energy, offset by energy expense of transport and accommodation.

If you vacate a house in a cold climate, don't forget to ensure it is adequately frost protected whilst empty.

Happy Christmas folks!

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  • Insulate, insulate & insulate again.....don't forget ventillation & vapour barriers.
  • Consider a wood burner.....very efficient especially if you have a free supply of seasoned timber.
  • Low energy bulbs...preferably LED's.
  • Improved controls & timers
  • Room thermostat.
  • Fit TRV's & shut doors in rooms not being used.
  • Turn down heat settings.....especially if unoccupied.
  • Don't set hot water above 60 deg C
  • Consider a water meter.
  • Fit a smart meter that shows your individual/ specific energy consumption.
  • Take showers instead of baths.
  • Buy low energy consumption appliances and use them sparingly.
  • If on economy 7.....use wash machines & dishwashers on cheap rate.
  • Draw curatins & blinds early.
  • Shut windows & doors.
  • Draught proof.
  • Don't cover radiators & towel rails with clothes & towels.

Thats it I'm getting bored now......but we could all go on & on & on....

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