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Housing Minister asks for longer tenancy agreements


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I have just listened to the Housing Minister on Radio 4 interviewed by Evan Davies state that he can see no reason why landlords could not be made to give longer AST's.

How can a man in such a position be so stupid as to not have had the reasons pointed out to him by someone 'in the know' and with expert knowledge of letting law in England and Wales?

2 items later a representative of the National Landlord's Association came on to hopefully point out the pitfalls. Not a bit of it! This woman said that a poll of their members suggested that 4 out of 5 landlords would welcome longer AST's blaming lenders for insisting on 6 or 12 month agreements.

I always let on a 6 month shorthold then allow to go periodic. I have not intention of changing.

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A Government Housing Miinster doesn't actually have to have any expert knowledge re- the housing market etc..... and doesn't it show eh!

Moron! :D

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