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Rent Freeze?


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House prices around here have risen a bit since this time last year and as I know my "patch" like the back of my hand I have noticed that there are a lot of ex rental properties coming onto the market. Fed up landlords perhaps getting out and taking a profit maybe?

Funny enough I was in a carpet shop yesterday ordering some bathroom lino and a Lady came into the shop with her solicitor and was selecting and ordering carpet.

Anyway she started telling the salesmen how her rented property was completely trashed to ruin at a cost of £5000 and her solicitor was acting as a witness to the damage and the purchasing cost of replacement items including a houseful of carpets. (?)

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Houses are selling well here at the moment. We are selling faster than we are taking them on.

Yep.....my experience also.

Just sold one of mine for cash.....Chinese buyer.

Now then......wheres that phone number for Sunseeker yachts ? :)

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Sunseeker RL......My Dream!

Around 15 years ago I was on holiday in Antigua and I went down to the harbour for a stroll one evening and there was this magnificient Sunseeker tied up. I was admiring it with jealous eyes when the owner came out on deck and said "Want to have a look around"? Absolutely fabulous it was. I didn't ask him how much it was worth or how he came by it as it was not the done thing I reckon.

Nice Chap but he didn't offer me a trip. :D

If I sold one of my houses I could buy a Sunseeker but it's the mooring that the problem for me being landlocked where I am.

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