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Landlords could be responsible for Tenants Water Bills


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This is what the article says (first sentence):-

"Landlords could be billed for their tenant’s water rates arrears if they fail to advise the utility company of the tenant’s details."

I consider it good practice always to inform all utilities (and local authority) of tenant departures and new arrivals with names, dates and meter readings.

I always have, and in so doing have never been chased for any tenant arrears, even when known to have existed.

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Quite right Chestnut....and I'm sure many others on this site do exactly the the same as youBUT......I am aware that some leave it up to the tenant to inform the utilities and this article should be a wake up call to them.

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Thames Water have had the policy for a few years now whereby if you do not contact them and provide tenant's details and any future non payment by that tenant then they will invoice the landlord.

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