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Landlords opinion sought - shape the future


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I am a landlord but I also recently launched a platform to help household (and small business) manage utility contracts online www.thecontracthub.com

I am considering customising it for landlords - make it more useful for them. I know I would use it but I want to get thoughts and view from other landlords. If you would be willing to have a quick 3 min "interview" over the phone or email please get in touch.

Benefits to you: You could influence the way the software works to suit you best. And if we do develop it we will give you lifetime free membership worth over £100 a year!!!

You can get in touch over email, phone or from the website above.




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I'd need more information on how you could help me.

As a landlord of non HMO's ....

1. My voids are virtually non existant and

2 .I really don't take any interest in utilities as its my tenants' responsibility to pay the bills.

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