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Hi There,

Can anyone help.

I have a 5 flats that I rent out through a Agent, have been for a while. in one of the flats When I started out with them they advised to get an electrical test and Pat test. Which I did.

They are now adviseng one year in that it needs pat tested again. Only problem I have is I just realised that my flat is unfurnished and all the kitchen aappliances are hard wired in to switches in the wall ( its quite a new flat).

They want to charge me £55 to do this pat testing allthough they say its not the law but just their policy, and upon me stressing that i have no portable appliances in the flat, just the kitchen equipment, fridge, cooker, washer dryer but as i say this is all not portable as far as I can tell. they tell me if i dont want it done just to email them back and say in writing i dont want it.

Are they at it, they wont admit I dont need it done. They have also been charging me for all the other flats for the same tests, with the same unfurnished, etc etc so I feel they wont give me the right advice because they have been ripping me off for work that they have done in the past that did not require needing done.

Do I need to be resposible for pat testing for tennants appliances that they bring with them, surely not.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. ( this is scotland I am renting in, in case it makes a differnece )



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There is NO current legislation that I am aware of that says a landlord has to do a Pat test every year, every tenancy or whatever other excuse agents use.

If you are renting furnished and supply kettles, toasters etc (small appliance) these are supposed to be tested.

You are NOT responsible to test appliances brought to the property by tenants.

If you don't like the 'policy' of the agent then change agents. It is a case of do they want your business or not.

If you have (you should have) the electrical certificate signed off by the building inspector with your new build send that to the agent and tell them that covers everything. End of.

I am sure some agents spend half their time trying to think up new scams to get money out of landlords.


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PAT = Portable Appliance Testing.

This includes washing machines & fridges etc. anything that can be moved and normally connected by way of a 3 pin plug.

PAT testing? Checks for appliance earthing faults, incorrect plug fuses fitted and general exposed wiring condition.

Valid for 1 year & registered in a separate with a label to say inspection has been carried out & attached onto the 13/5/3/ amp. plug body or appliance that has been tested.

Landlord is responsible for all electrical items supplied and listed BUT tenant is responsible for those electrical appliances brought into the property.

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As Melboy states, PAT is for any appliance with 3 pin plug.

"just the kitchen equipment, fridge, cooker, washer dryer but as i say this is all not portable as far as I can tell."

This equipment may commonly have wall switches over worktops and thus appear to be hard wired when actually these switches may simply control their 3 pin plug sockets below the worktops. You would need to have a look. If plugged, PAT would apply.

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But is it a legal requirement for a pat test? We know it is a requirement for the electrics to be safe and a elecy cert is a requirement for HMO's.

I would suggest that washing machines, which have the lethal combination of water an electricity, should not be hard wired into any wall socket and past history of electric shocks from washing machines with the resultant death of the operater are well known.

If I supplied washing machines, which I don't it, it is the one thing I would have a PAT test carried out on.........and any fridge/freezer because once again they are very rarely hard wired into any wall socket.

I also believe that landlord's have to cover their ar$e on everything these days or to use the modern venacular..."Risk Assessment"

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Hi, According to the Iet Code of Practice for Inspection And testing of Electrical Equipment (which is a guide, not the law)

appliances on a spur should be tested , (Many pat testing companies only test items on a 3 pin plug though !)

I cannot find a section for rental properties but would consider it similar risk to hotels in which case a washing machine which is class 1 stationary equipment should be done every 48 months.

Im guessing you have to have the fixed installation done every 5 years ?

So it may be more practical to tie it in with that.

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I have a new domestic fridge this week. It's supplied with a fitted 3 pin plug. Its instructions state the plug may alternatively be removed (e.g. if a longer cable is required) and the appliance wired directly into a switched and correctly fused wall outlet.

Either method would seem to be electrically identical and therefore benefit from PAT testing.

But the wired in version lacks ability and advantage for unskilled to physically isolate from supply by withdrawing the plug.

To my knowledge PAT testing is not a legal requirement for property lettings in England but I suspect many LAs have a wise policy to do so.

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It is not uncommon to have switches located above the worktops, but the appliances such as fridges, washing machines etc. are still connected by a 13A plug into a socket located below the work tops. Your obligation is to maintain the electrical appliances you supply in a safe conditon.

It is correct that they do not have to be tested annually, however they should always be inspected and tested on change of tenant.

You can carry out the PAT testing yourself with suitable training and the use of a pass/fail tester. It would cost you less than the £55 charge for each property you rent out. The training could be in the form of a training manual or you could attend a course. Please view www.quick-test.biz for contact details and feel free to contact me to discuss your options.

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