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Fair wear and tear?


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Hi all

Sorry for my absence for what seems like ages. Hope you don't mind me asking a quick question?

If you had a tenant in a property for 3.5 years who vacates but leaves the oven, hob and extractor dirty, but the rest of the house in good order, would you overlook it and get it cleaned at your own expense?

She's been in the house and loved it as I did when I lived there, and only moved due to needing a bigger property. I was surprised to see the check-out report stating the condition of the kitchen as she always seemed meticulous, and the rest of the house is in very good order.

What would you suggest? Mention it, or let it ride?

Thank you :)

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You could give her a choice of :

1.) Coming back to clean it OR

2.) Paying the cost for someone else to do it for her.

Landlords don't operate as a charity and don't 'owe' ex tenants any favours. Leaving the whole of a property clean is a reasonable expectation and being given a second chance to clean up is more than some would offer.

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When tenants give me notice to terminate their tenancy I make it clear what is expected of them and leaving the cooker & hob clean is one of those requirements.

I remind them that I don't personally clean cookers and if its left dirty then I get a firm in to do it. The cost is usually a minimum of £50 + VAT.

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Thanks Richlist.

I've been a LL since 1987. You'd think I would have learnt by now! Every day is a school day ;)

I've written to the tenant and await her reply. She's reasonable, so hopefully she'll return to clean up, or even better, arrange for an oven cleaning man to call as they do a fabulous job of making ovens look like new.

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