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My managing agent adding 'commission' to maintenance bills.


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Hi, I am new to the forum and will be grateful for any answers to two questions.

My managing agent contacted me to say £480 been quoted to fix no hot water no heating problem.

I wanted a second opinion as they always seem to pull a number out of a hat for anything. '£400' is the cheapest washing maching, £500 is the cheapest fridge/freezer for instance. In both examples, i was able to obtain both items for much less.

They have overcharged me for other items, I am sure. But this time I asked for a breakdown of the work being done and the agent gave me the number of the contractor. He seemed very genuine. Fixed the pump and did a reasonable 'bodge' to get hot water working. Anyway I asked him for the costs for the pump and valve and with VAT and labour, this came to £328. So the agents are adding an additional amount of £152 to the job.

Is this legal? Is it normal? Is it something I can object to.

Feeling very aggrieved about this, I looked at the management contract, which I have signed. (silly me). They say that 12 MONTHS notice is required to end my contract with them. This seems excessive. Is it enforceable? If I take over the management myself, they reckon they can carry on charging the same fees as they would have (10% plus VAT plus other annual charges) for AS LONG AS THE TENANT STAYS!

Can anyone offer advice on this please?

Thank you

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The problem for you is you have a signed contract and all that entails.

Yes, their commission charge is excessive so what can you do about it other than complain directly to them?

Somewhere on your contract it will state what commission charge they place for arranging unscheduled repairs etc. on your behalf.

Regarding your own tenant managing once again you have signed to their terms and conditions and did you read the small and large print before signing? Many people don't and very often this is the end result whenever a dispute arises.

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As a rule of thumb agents will charge for ANYTHING to make an extra £. Managing your own property is not easy but worth learning.

First thing, if you get out of the contract with the agent is to get yourself a decent, reliable plumber and stick with them. It makes life so much easier.


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Thank you all.

I have read the contract very thoroughly and there is NOTHING there about them receiving anything extra for arranging repairs, be it called commission or admin or anything else.

I will talk to a solicitor - I have many solicitor clients being a tax accountant - .

I don't want to manage myself and have located another local managing agent who will charge only 7.5% with no VAT. But I have lost all faith in these people and don't want to have to deal with them for another 12 months.

Thank you


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