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Boiler problems


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I am a first time landlord. My tenants moved in 7 days ago, they have reported the boiler not working. I sent engineer to fix it, then 2 days later reported the same thing. Sent the engineer again. At 90 pounds a go this is very expensive. Tenants may be fiddling with the boiler? A. Do I ask for a written report from the engineer?. B. How many times do I have to fork out if this continues? Any advice very welcome.

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A - Yes! You need to know why the engineer did not solve problem first time. A second visit might just mean he got it wrong first time, in which case:

B - You should only pay once, and for necessary parts that solve problem.

If you're having to pay up front, call a different engineer - one who charges afterwards by results.

How old is boiler? Modern ones are more or less fiddle-proof.

Is it a gas boiler? In which case, have you got a Landlord certificate following a gas check? (Legal requirement!)

What fault did tenants' actually report? There are knowledgable boiler folk on this forum who can offer technical advice.

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I'll wait until the reply comes back from the OP before any answer and pearls of wisdom. :D

BUT in the meantime I will say that I have known of cases where a tenant reports a fault with the boiler like....."heating not working"... and the doughnut has not turned the roomstat up to fire the boiler up!

Having said that it does pay to show your tenant the complete rundown on boiler and heating controls operation etc. etc. I always do this.

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You need to leave a instruction manual for the tenant also. If say they damaged it because the pilot light when out and there wasn't instructions on how to relight it would be difficult to charge to the tenant.

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