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Tenant sueing


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I had a tenant around six months ago, he left the property I went back and forward to the property for weeks. I needed to catch him as he was in a lot of arreas with his rent. All to no avail I tried contacting him on numerous occasions once again to no avail. I spoke to his mother she to had no contact from him for months. I went into the property to find he had left it in a unliveable state. I was billed to have the property put right as well as to store his goods. Now six months later after I disposed of his belongings he has been in touch via a solicitor to say he wants his belongings back and if he does not receive them he will sue can he do this.

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I agree with Fyldeboy. The ex tenant will have to prove with receipts, credit card statements, guarantees etc that he owned the items claimed for. Is that likely to happen? Nicht - not likely so get set to counter claim for the missing rent and state of the property - I hope you took photos? Usually keeping goods for 90 days is accepted as' reasonable' by the courts

No doubt this ne'er do well tenant is on legal aid - what a waste of public money.


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We have in our contracts now a clause that states the tenant agrees that any belongings left in the property on vacating can be disposed of without liability or claim from the tenant and any costs can be used from any sale of the items or claimed from the tenant.

Yes I know there could be a unfair clause issue but it does muddy the waters and puts a bit more clout on the landlords side.

Any one disposing of ex-tenants belongings should take an writen inventory and have it witnessed and dated also. It stops the tenant claiming for their rolex and peal earing at the landlords expense.

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