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Landlord's responsiblilty or not?


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Our tenant has asked about the possibility of replacing an internal door as it is not made from toughened glass. She has a small child and is understandably worried about her safety. However, is it our responsibility as the landlord to pay for this replacement or should the tenant be doing so?

Any advice would be appreciated.

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It is up to you, the landlord to let a property that is safe and not a danger to your tenant or her child - you have let knowingly to someone with a child.

Most new doors (in the last 10 years) come with safety glass as standard - You could do nothing but you will always have that worry if something goes wrong..............

If it were me I would change the door - you should not make this the tenants responsibility unless she is a carpenter - just act like a reasonable person.

If you really feel you can't afford a new door then fix plywood over the glassed area.


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I do not believe it is a legal requirement and as Mortitia says a cheap option is to board over with 2 ply and paint. But the cost of new doors isnt that much.

Or you could do nothing but how would you feel if something happening now you know about it.

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Another way is place protective clear view film over the glass.

Personally speaking I would NOT have a glass door that was not safe with young children around and yes I know there a million private homes fitted with glass doors that are not fitted with safety toughened glass but I changed my doors to protect my Grandchildren from shattered glass because I know young children have a fascination with shutting doors by slamming them. Better safe than sorry!

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