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Boiler position


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Hello....I have just bought a new property which i am going to rent out but when the plumber went round to do teh gas certificate he couldn't do it because the boiler has been positioned in a place where you cann't access it, i.e. cannot remove the front cover.

This wasn't detected in the homebuyers survey so am going to complain.

Does anyone know whether it is listed somewhere on the net the legal requirements of where a boiler needs to be positioned? I need as much back up as I can get !

Many thanks!

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Take it from me.....and your Gasafe engineer. The boiler has to be installed in such as a position that unrestricted access to the boiler for maintenance and repair is available. No if's... no but's.... it's in the installer's rule book.

If it has had kitchen units built around the boiler than these will have to be removed or redesigned for boiler access.


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