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Do I need really need Landlord Insurance?!?!?


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Yes, I know, the topic seems odd, but let me explain....

My first B2L property is currently being decorated, ready to go on to the lettings market. Insurance is next on my tick list.....

Now the property is in a small block, and the actual property is insured by the block owner, and I pay a lease charge towards that - so property is covered....

And the property is through my Ltd Company, so I have Personal and Public liability insurance already in place - tick... BUT..... the company insurance is for my Limited IT company - so I assume I will need tell my insurance Co that I am also renting out a property (through my company)???????

and its being let out unfurnished. In the property the only items of value are white goods (the usual fridgefreezer, washing machine etc), and carpets. And most contents do not cover damage or theft by tenants - thats what the deposit is for

Hence my question - do I need extra landlord insuramce?

Thanks in advance


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I don't take out contents insurance. Insuring the bricks and mortar is a requirement of any mortgage and sensible anyway.

Other risks I effectively self insure with the money I haven't paid out.

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It seems you have the "main" insurances covered! As with all insurance, you will only NEED it if you NEED to claim. If there is a flood/fire/etc then you stand to lose the contents within the property. A landlords contents only policy may only cost £50 a year for example but there may also be a £100 excess on a claim so taking this into account you should be able to decide whether it is worth taking out the cover or just taking a risk and lumping the costs if the worst happens (obvious depends on the total value of all your contents really).

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  • 4 weeks later...

My landlord insurance will cover loss or rent /alternative accomodation if needed..

would you have that on the other insurances ?

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