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Letting agents removed wardrobe without informing me


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Hi all,

I'm after a bit of advice about where I stand here.

I've been renting my house out since 2005 and am now getting ready to move back in. I am attending the final move out later in the month and in preparation have asked the letting agents for a copy of the latest inventory as I want to make sure all the tools and gardening stuff is still there.

The copy they sent back does not list a large pine wardrobe that was left in the property when I handed it over to the agents (I couldn't get it down the stairs at the time and the agents said it was ok to leave in there and apart from this it was let unfurnished.)

I questioned the inventory and have just received a reply stating that in October 2006 it was noted that the wardrobe drawers fell apart when they were opened and 'chances are it will have been removed prior to the next tenancy.' I understand that I should allow for wear and tear but my question is are letting agents allowed to just remove landlords furniture without informing them !?

I have a matching chest of drawers coming out of storage with no wardrobe to go with them! I had no idea they had got rid of it !

Does anyone have any advice on whether I there is anything I can do ? I want to be as prepared as I can when I attend the move out.

Thanks in advance.

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If anyone has removed your belongings 'without consent' it is theft.

Even if in poor condition it's still yours to decide what to do with.

In truth I can't imagine the Police will have serious interest and if you claim for its value, well it didn't really have any at disposal.

Your choice but I don't see a confrontation will result in any worth while benefit to you, life's a bitch and all that.

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I would take a view that:

1. I've been receiving rent since 2005 (7 years).

2. Everything is subject to wear & tear.

3. There is no guarantee if it was still there after 7 years it would be any good.......and its dissappearance may well save you from disposing of it.

4. Its loss in monetary terms is probably no more than £30-£40......the value of a 2nd hand wardrobe.

Yes the agents should definitelly have told you. Make a fuss & they may make you a cursory allowance.....anything, even £10 or £20 is a result. Threaten to report them to their professional body ARLA etc.....unless they make a contribution to you for the loss of value......and do it if they don't pay up.

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