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solar panels


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I don't think it's a con. I also think that unless you can pay for them outright, immediately (which I can't, so didn't bother doing any further number-crunching) then you would need to consider very carefully whether they would really pay for themselves or whether any 'payback' would be eaten up in costs of loan/extra mortgage interest.

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There are specialist companies offering a financed (loan) installation package. Some companies are very iffy others not so.

Some offer a feedback tariff of 43.3 p per kw/hr, this Gov't subsidy has expired and the Courts (for some reason) are deciding if it should be continued. A feedback of 21p kw/hr is available today.

The companies will make massive profits and promise you a pay back period of around 5 - 7 years, nice if it were true.

The panels are guaranteed, and the whole installation underwritten to inspire confidence, to still provide 80% output after 20 years.

Now for any system, subsidised by Gov't or not, to pay us more for any elec we provide than they charge us cannot be sustained. Money for nothing is too good to be true.

If the Gov't has interest here then I would have greater respect, as now it's very low, if they were subsidising panels made in the UK. The vast majority come from China.

What is more of a concern is that in the future Molten Salt Reactors are likely to produce cheap energy and make these energy producing drives redundant.

In 1965 Britain ran such a reactor. It was turn off walk away safe, re-uses nuclear fuel rods that are presently only used to 1% capacity, reduces their half life to 300 years. This technology hasn't gained Gov't backing as far as I see, possibly as it would have negative impact on the oil / gas industry and so may be considered undesirable.

However China are now going for it, so it will be interesting to watch their development of these reactors.

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China is really constantly evolving and I should say that they are already making their name in the world. I know they think that they can still improve themselves by adapting this type of technology. Well' let's just watch and learn from them. This is of a great risk.

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