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Using rooms for storage


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Hi all

Happy New Year!

I've just had a Property Visit Report from my agents stating all is well with the property apart from 2 rooms full of "junk" and used as storage.

It's one guy living in the house using the dining room and one bedroom as storage for his and his wife's stuff (they're still married but she lives with his parents .. religious arrangement I believe).

When I was in the UK a few Christmases ago I visited myself and the rooms were full of boxes then, so clearly he's still using them as storage rooms.

I asked the agents if the stuff was against the walls as that can cause mildew issues and whether the radiators were on in those rooms with the doors left ajar at least for circulation. No reply to those questions, but the agents have said they will write to the tenant to ask him to clear the rooms and they will follow up with a visit.

Part of me is thinking as long as the stuff is away from the walls, the radiators are on at least on low and the doors ajar, how he uses the rooms is up to him. He's paying me rent, so surely it's not up to me/the agent to stipulate how he lives.

What do you think?

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I've just had a Property Visit Report from my agents stating all is well with the property apart from 2 rooms full of "junk" and used as storage.

Well, there is a saying.....one mans junk is another mans treasure.

1.What qualifies the letting agent to accurately determine 'junk' ?

2. I'd like to bet they haven't looked in all the boxes &/or inspected every item !

Part of me is thinking as long as the stuff is away from the walls, the radiators are on at least on low and the doors ajar, how he uses the rooms is up to him. He's paying me rent, so surely it's not up to me/the agent to stipulate how he lives.

What do you think?

Even if the stuff was against the walls and the radiators were not on its still not up to you or the agent to tell him how to live his life.

Typical agent.....do half a job, issue a meaningless report, leave it up to others to sort out.

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I've just had a Property Visit Report from my agents stating all is well with the property apart from 2 rooms full of "junk" and used as storage.

Well, there is a saying.....one mans junk is another mans treasure.

1.What qualifies the letting agent to accurately determine 'junk' ?

2. I'd like to bet they haven't looked in all the boxes &/or inspected every item !

Part of me is thinking as long as the stuff is away from the walls, the radiators are on at least on low and the doors ajar, how he uses the rooms is up to him. He's paying me rent, so surely it's not up to me/the agent to stipulate how he lives.

What do you think?

Even if the stuff was against the walls and the radiators were not on its still not up to you or the agent to tell him how to live his life.

Typical agent.....do half a job, issue a meaningless report, leave it up to others to sort out.

The other thread about condensation has reminded me that one of the rooms used for storage is in the property where I had the condensation issues, so while I see you point (and agree with it), this tenant is the first person to live in the house since the fire and subsequent solving of the problem with internal insulation.

If the agent cannot get to the walls he cannot confirm the condensation issues have been resolved, so while the 'junk' comment is out of order, giving me reassurance all is well is necessary otherwise I'll need to look at the issue again.

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