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rent arears


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I had tenants that got behind with their rent, they have now left the property, and owe 2.5k. I have been trying to get the money over the last year, but even though they have made lots of promises, I still havnt had any payments. I know they both live and work in a local pub, but they have a small child and say they have no money to pay me. One of the ex tenants is a carpenter, and has said he will work for me if I have any work that needs doing. Is there any point in trying to take them to the small claims court ? and if this is possible how much would that route cost me ?


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Is there any point in trying to take them to the small claims court ?

If the debtor has a means of paying the debt then the answer is yes.

It really hinges on how much disposable income they have and what the court thinks they can afford.

An attachment of earnings can be sought so that they pay a set amount each week or month until the debt is cleared.

and if this is possible how much would that route cost me ?

You add the court costs to the amount of the claim.

Its on a sliding scale.....do a web search for small claims court and take a look at their web site or give your loca court a call.

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Well I would do moneyclaim online for definite. Cost about £100. Both working means there is money there even if you only get it back at £10 a week.

I have an ex tenant paying £1500 back at £10 a week (after a court order) via my bank - it is quite satisfying to see the amount going in especially since sometimes he manages to pay £30 in. Bank issues the receipt so it takes not work from me.

Don't let them get away with it. You sound a bit soft having read your other post on water damage.


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what part was soft,?

I have been trying to get the money over the last year, but even though they have made lots of promises

My money is on this part of your topic that Mortitia is refering to as you being "Soft"

Never let things drag on like this or you will find yourself in the situation that you find yourself now.


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