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Tenant abandons property


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I moved a nice russian couple into a flat and they also took the shop i had underneath a few days later (flat on ast and seperate lease on shop). Documents were downloaded from lawpack.

After 1 month they decided that their new business was actually a pants idea and asked me if id consider finding new tenants for it. I agreed that they would only be liable for rent for it until new tenant found as well as the agents let fee of £250, but they said they could not afford to pay any more rent for the shop as they were skint. A few weeks later they ran into arrears for the flat and couldnt tell me when they could pay the rent (they had made two months payments), i left it for two weeks to give them a bit of space but then one morning i found the keys posted through my door with a note stating they couldnt afford to pay the rent so are handing the keys back.

I know i have to send them an abandonment notice but are they liable for rent up until possession or the tenancy on the flat which still had 3 months to run. Also can i charge them (or reasonably expect) to pay for re-letting the property as well. Please advise

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I know i have to send them an abandonment notice but are they liable for rent up until possession or the tenancy on the flat which still had 3 months to run.

They are liable for rent up to the end of the fixed term or until the property is relet....whichever comes first.

Also can i charge them (or reasonably expect) to pay for re-letting the property as well.

Yes. But if they have no money you won't get anything.

Why not claim from your guarantor or rent guarantee insurance ?

Presumably there is a protected deposit ?

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Forget it and move on. It will cost you more in money & time and stress to get to a successful conclusion of getting any money back.

You have been stitched up so avoid renting to Russians next time.

Your chances of obtaining any money from these people is virtually zero in fact I would say you have more chance of winning the lottery treble roll-over.

Anything you can add like you have a forwarding address to serve legal notices?


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Guest caravanj

I moved a nice russian couple into a flat and they also took the shop i had underneath a few days later (flat on ast and seperate lease on shop). Documents were downloaded from lawpack.

After 1 month they decided that their new business was actually a pants idea and asked me if id consider finding new tenants for it. I agreed that they would only be liable for rent for it until new tenant found as well as the agents let fee of £250, but they said they could not afford to pay any more rent for the shop as they were skint. A few weeks later they ran into arrears for the flat and couldnt tell me when they could pay the rent (they had made two months payments), i left it for two weeks to give them a bit of space but then one morning i found the keys posted through my door with a note stating they couldnt afford to pay the rent so are handing the keys back.

I know i have to send them an abandonment notice but are they liable for rent up until possession or the tenancy on the flat which still had 3 months to run. Also can i charge them (or reasonably expect) to pay for re-letting the property as well. Please advise

Make sure you hang onto the note so you've got something in writing in case that they try to stitch you up after you've re-let the property.

It's a growing trend by scamming T's to attempt to get a LL to break the law.

The link below will explain.


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