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Damage exceeds Deposit


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So the tennancy has come to an end, and while it all seemed to go OK during the tennancy it seems to have gone very wrong at the end! Damages (fixtures and furnishings) and dirty. To put things right I have had to spend some money, and obtain quotes for a fair amount more. Indeed in total I think my costs are about 3 x the deposit. Unsuprisingly the tennants dispute this claiming wear and tear and 'clean enough' repsectively. Neither party is particularly experienced and both think they are in the right.

So the question is: Do I go to My deposit arbitration first (to find out who is actually being reasonable), or just straight to small claims court? The only thing stopping me going to small claims court is the concern that actually my standards are just too high and I'm being unreasonable. If that's the case it is a lot of work, I reckon anout 500 to bring the case and I might have to pay tennants costs if I loose.

Grateful for any advice



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1. Nasty surprises at the end of a tenancy shouldn't happen if you are doing the job properly by carrying out regular inspections at say, 3 monthly intervals.....problems identified should be followed up.

2. Any dispute at the end of the tenancy is best settled by amicable arrangement between the parties.

3. The success of any dispute that cannot be settled by agreement is dependant on the quality of the check in & check out inventories and supporting documents.

4. If you choose to go to the county court (small claims court) the fees are fixed, you add the court fees to your claim, no solicitors are involved and you will not be liable for the other sides costs.

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The first question is do you have a good inventory in place signed and dated by the tenants? If not forget about going down the the court or arbitration route. Try to come to a comprimise with the tenant or put it down to expirence.

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